Program Listing for File PropagationCK.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/module/PropagationCK.cpp)

#include "crpropa/module/PropagationCK.h"

#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>

namespace crpropa {

// Cash-Karp coefficients
const double cash_karp_a[] = {
        0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
        1. / 5., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
        3. / 40., 9. / 40., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
        3. / 10., -9. / 10., 6. / 5., 0., 0., 0.,
        -11. / 54., 5. / 2., -70. / 27., 35. / 27., 0., 0.,
        1631. / 55296., 175. / 512., 575. / 13824., 44275. / 110592., 253. / 4096., 0.

const double cash_karp_b[] = {
        37. / 378., 0, 250. / 621., 125. / 594., 0., 512. / 1771.

const double cash_karp_bs[] = {
        2825. / 27648., 0., 18575. / 48384., 13525. / 55296., 277. / 14336., 1. / 4.

void PropagationCK::tryStep(const Y &y, Y &out, Y &error, double h,
                ParticleState &particle, double z) const {
        std::vector<Y> k;

        out = y;
        error = Y(0);

        // calculate the sum of b_i * k_i
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

                Y y_n = y;
                for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        y_n += k[j] * a[i * 6 + j] * h;

                // update k_i
                k[i] = dYdt(y_n, particle, z);

                out += k[i] * b[i] * h;
                error += k[i] * (b[i] - bs[i]) * h;

PropagationCK::Y PropagationCK::dYdt(const Y &y, ParticleState &p, double z) const {
        // normalize direction vector to prevent numerical losses
        Vector3d velocity = y.u.getUnitVector() * c_light;

        // get B field at particle position
        Vector3d B = getFieldAtPosition(y.x, z);

        // Lorentz force: du/dt = q*c/E * (v x B)
        Vector3d dudt = p.getCharge() * c_light / p.getEnergy() * velocity.cross(B);
        return Y(velocity, dudt);

PropagationCK::PropagationCK(ref_ptr<MagneticField> field, double tolerance,
                double minStep, double maxStep) :
                minStep(0) {

        // load Cash-Karp coefficients
        a.assign(cash_karp_a, cash_karp_a + 36);
        b.assign(cash_karp_b, cash_karp_b + 6);
        bs.assign(cash_karp_bs, cash_karp_bs + 6);

void PropagationCK::process(Candidate *candidate) const {
        // save the new previous particle state
        ParticleState &current = candidate->current;
        candidate->previous = current;

        Y yIn(current.getPosition(), current.getDirection());
        double step = maxStep;

        // rectilinear propagation for neutral particles
        if (current.getCharge() == 0) {
                step = clip(candidate->getNextStep(), minStep, maxStep);
                current.setPosition(yIn.x + yIn.u * step);

        Y yOut, yErr;
        double newStep = step;
        double z = candidate->getRedshift();

        // if minStep is the same as maxStep the adaptive algorithm with its error
        // estimation is not needed and the computation time can be saved:
        if (minStep == maxStep){
                tryStep(yIn, yOut, yErr, step / c_light, current, z);
        } else {
                step = clip(candidate->getNextStep(), minStep, maxStep);
                newStep = step;
                double r = 42;  // arbitrary value

                // try performing step until the target error (tolerance) or the minimum/maximum step size has been reached
                while (true) {
                        tryStep(yIn, yOut, yErr, step / c_light, current, z);
                        r = yErr.u.getR() / tolerance;  // ratio of absolute direction error and tolerance
                        if (r > 1) {  // large direction error relative to tolerance, try to decrease step size
                                if (step == minStep)  // already minimum step size
                                else {
                                        newStep = step * 0.95 * pow(r, -0.2);
                                        newStep = std::max(newStep, 0.1 * step); // limit step size decrease
                                        newStep = std::max(newStep, minStep); // limit step size to minStep
                                        step = newStep;
                        } else {  // small direction error relative to tolerance, try to increase step size
                                if (step != maxStep) {  // only update once if maximum step size yet not reached
                                        newStep = step * 0.95 * pow(r, -0.2);
                                        newStep = std::min(newStep, 5 * step); // limit step size increase
                                        newStep = std::min(newStep, maxStep); // limit step size to maxStep


void PropagationCK::setField(ref_ptr<MagneticField> f) {
        field = f;

ref_ptr<MagneticField> PropagationCK::getField() const {
        return field;

Vector3d PropagationCK::getFieldAtPosition(Vector3d pos, double z) const {
        Vector3d B(0, 0, 0);
        try {
                // check if field is valid and use the field vector at the
                // position pos with the redshift z
                if (field.valid())
                        B = field->getField(pos, z);
        } catch (std::exception &e) {
                KISS_LOG_ERROR  << "PropagationCK: Exception in PropagationCK::getFieldAtPosition.\n"
                                << e.what();
        return B;

void PropagationCK::setTolerance(double tol) {
        if ((tol > 1) or (tol < 0))
                throw std::runtime_error(
                                "PropagationCK: target error not in range 0-1");
        tolerance = tol;

void PropagationCK::setMinimumStep(double min) {
        if (min < 0)
                throw std::runtime_error("PropagationCK: minStep < 0 ");
        if (min > maxStep)
                throw std::runtime_error("PropagationCK: minStep > maxStep");
        minStep = min;

void PropagationCK::setMaximumStep(double max) {
        if (max < minStep)
                throw std::runtime_error("PropagationCK: maxStep < minStep");
        maxStep = max;

double PropagationCK::getTolerance() const {
        return tolerance;

double PropagationCK::getMinimumStep() const {
        return minStep;

double PropagationCK::getMaximumStep() const {
        return maxStep;

std::string PropagationCK::getDescription() const {
        std::stringstream s;
        s << "Propagation in magnetic fields using the Cash-Karp method.";
        s << " Target error: " << tolerance;
        s << ", Minimum Step: " << minStep / kpc << " kpc";
        s << ", Maximum Step: " << maxStep / kpc << " kpc";
        return s.str();

} // namespace crpropa