- group Observer
Observers and ObserverFeatures.
ObserverFeatures are added to the ObserverModule to check for detection and perform actions on detection.
class ObserverFeature : public Referenced
- #include <Observer.h>
Abstract base class for features of observers.
Subclassed by Observer1D, ObserverDetectAll, ObserverElectronVeto, ObserverInactiveVeto, ObserverNeutrinoVeto, ObserverNucleusVeto, ObserverParticleIdVeto, ObserverPhotonVeto, ObserverRedshiftWindow, ObserverSurface, ObserverTimeEvolution, ObserverTracking
class Observer : public Module
- #include <Observer.h>
General particle observer.
class ObserverDetectAll : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Detects all particles.
class ObserverSurface : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Detects particles crossing the boundaries of a defined surface (see, e.g.,
class ObserverTracking : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Tracks particles inside a sphere.
class Observer1D : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Detects particles when reaching x = 0.
This module detects particles when reaching x = 0 and also limits the next step size to prevent candidates from overshooting.
class ObserverRedshiftWindow : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Detects particles in a given redshift window.
When added to an observer, this feature generalizes it to four dimensions. The fourth dimension is the redshift, a proxy for time. This is particularly useful in “4D” studies, including either time-dependence (e.g. flaring objects), or in 3D studies including cosmological evolution. Note that redshifts should be assigned to sources when using this feature. This can be done with: SourceRedshift, SourceRedshift1D, SourceUniformRedshift, and SourceRedshiftEvolution.
class ObserverInactiveVeto : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Veto for inactive candidates.
class ObserverNucleusVeto : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Veto for nuclei (including protons and neutrons)
class ObserverNeutrinoVeto : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Veto for neutrinos.
class ObserverPhotonVeto : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Veto for photons.
class ObserverElectronVeto : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Veto for electrons and positrons.
class ObserverParticleIdVeto : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Custom veto for user-defined particle types Vetoes for more than one type of particle can be added by calling this feature multiple times.
class ObserverTimeEvolution : public ObserverFeature
- #include <Observer.h>
Observes the time evolution of the candidates (phase-space elements) This observer is very useful if the time evolution of the particle density is needed. It detects all candidates in lin-spaced, log-spaced, or user-defined time intervals and limits the nextStep of candidates to prevent overshooting of detection intervals.
class ObserverFeature : public Referenced