Momentum Diffusion
This notebooks gives an overview about the MomentumDiffusion module and shortly explains the theoretical background. Momentum diffusion or Second Order Fermi Acceleration is a process in which the particle ensemble gains energy on average due to scattering in magnetic turbulence. In contrast to diffusive shock acceleration (DSA - First Order Fermi Acceleration) individual particles can however loose significant amounts of energy.
The stationary transport equation (
Further information can be found, e.g., in Stawarz and Petrosian, ApJ 681 (2008) 1725-1744.
%matplotlib widget
import crpropa as crp
from crpropa import c_light, meter, second
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
Functionality to run the simulation and analyse the data
def loadData(filename: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Loading CRPropa data file into a pandas DataFrame
The columns are derived from reading the header.
filename (str): CRPropa textout to be loaded
pd.DataFrame: CRPropa simulation results
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
names = (f.readline()[:-1]).split('\t')[1:]
df = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter='\t', comment='#', names=names, low_memory=False)
return df
def TimeIntegrateSpectrum(df : pd.DataFrame, time : float, bins : np.array, weighted : bool=False) -> tuple:
"""Time integrated spectrum
Sums all snapshots until simulation time 'time' to calculate the energy spectrum J including
its standard deviation dJ, central energy of the histogram binCenters, and the mean energy of
the full particle ensemble meanE.
df (pd.DataFrame): Simulation data, e.g., loaded with 'loadData'.
time (float): maximal integration time
bins (np.array): binning used for the energy spectrum
weighted (bool, optional): Flag to include weights, e.g., from particle splitting. Defaults to False.
tuple(J, dJ, binCenter, meanE)
E = df.loc[df["T"] <= time, "E"]
meanE = E.mean()
if weighted:
HW = np.histogram(E, bins = bins, weights = df.loc[df["T"] <= time, "W"])
H = np.histogram(E, bins = bins)
bin_edges = H[1]
bin_width = bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1]
bin_center = bin_edges[:-1] + 0.5 * bin_width
if weighted:
J = HW[0]/bin_width
dJ = J/np.sqrt(H[0])
J = H[0]/bin_width
dJ = np.sqrt(H[0])/bin_width
return J, dJ, bin_center, meanE
def linFit(x: np.array, a: float, b: float) -> np.array:
"""Linear Function
f(x) -> a*x + b
x (np.array): input values
a (float): gradient
b (float): offset
np.array: solution
return a*x+b
def logFit(x: np.array, alpha: float, x_0: float=1.) -> np.array:
"""Linear Function
f(x) -> a*x + b
x (np.array): input values
alpha (float): spectral index
x_0 (float=1.): normalization
np.array: solution
return x_0*x**alpha
def Run_MomentumDiffusion(dpp : float=1, dxx : float=1, alpha : float=0.,
p_0 : float=1., mono : bool=True, N_obs : int=10000, N_cand : int=1000,
B0 : crp.Vector3d=crp.Vector3d(1,0,0), epsilon : float=0., step : float=1e-3*c_light,
src_pos : crp.Vector3d=crp.Vector3d(0.), src_ID : crp.nucleusId=crp.nucleusId(1, 1)) -> None:
"""Simulation of momentum diffusion
dpp (float, optional): Momentum diffusion scalar. Defaults to 1.
dxx (float, optional): Spatial diffusion scalar. Defaults to 1.
alpha (float, optional): Power law index of spatial diffusion energy dependence. Defaults to 0..
p_0 (float, optional): Injection Momentum. Defaults to 1..
mono (bool, optional): Flag for mono-energetic source spectrum. Defaults to True.
N_obs (int, optional): Number of observation points in time. Defaults to 10000.
N_cand (int, optional): Number of injected candidates. Defaults to 1000.
B0 (crp.Vector3d, optional): Background magnetic field direction - sets diffusion direction, too. Defaults to crp.Vector3d(1,0,0).
epsilon (float, optional): Ratio between perpendicular and parallel diffusion scalars. Defaults to 0..
step (float, optional): Integration step size. Defaults to 1e-3*c_light.
src_pos (crp.Vector3d, optional): Source position. Defaults to crp.Vector3d(0.).
src_ID (crp.nucleusId, optional): Particle type. Defaults to crp.nucleusId(1, 1).
scale = dxx / (6.1*1e24 * meter**2. / second)
E_0 = p_0 * c_light
E_min = E_0/10
D_min = 100 * step
deltaD = 100 * step
maxD = (N_obs) * deltaD
Bfield = crp.UniformMagneticField(B0)
spatialDiff = crp.DiffusionSDE(Bfield, 1e-4, step, step)
momentumDiff = crp.ConstantMomentumDiffusion(dpp)
out = crp.TextOutput('MomentumDiffusion_p0-{}_dpp-{}_dxx-{}_delT-{}_Nobs-{}_delTobs-{}_mono-{}.txt'.format(p_0, dpp, dxx, step/c_light, N_obs, deltaD/c_light, mono))
obs = crp.Observer()
obs.add(crp.ObserverTimeEvolution(D_min, deltaD, N_obs))
maxTra = crp.MaximumTrajectoryLength(maxD)
minEnergy = crp.MinimumEnergy(0.) #Seems to be needed, otherwise infs can appear
src = crp.Source()
if mono:
src.add(crp.SourcePowerLawSpectrum(E_min, E_0, -1))
sim = crp.ModuleList()
sim.setShowProgress(True), N_cand)
Slow time evolution setup
Here, a momentum diffusion coefficient of
# settings
dpp_1 = 1
dxx_1 = 1
alpha_1 = 0.
p_0_1 = 1
mono_1 = True #switch for monoenergetic or power law injection.
N_obs_1 = 10000
N_cand_1 = 1000
step_1 = 1e-3 * c_light
deltaD_1 = 100 * step_1
# Run the simulation
Run_MomentumDiffusion(dpp =dpp_1, dxx=dxx_1, alpha=alpha_1, p_0=p_0_1, mono=mono_1, N_obs=N_obs_1, N_cand=N_cand_1, step=step_1)
crpropa::ModuleList: Number of Threads: 8
Run ModuleList
Started Mon Oct 16 15:28:27 2023 : [ Finished ] 100% Needed: 00:02:59 - Finished at Mon Oct 16 15:31:26 2023
# Load data
df_1 = loadData('MomentumDiffusion_p0-{}_dpp-{}_dxx-{}_delT-{}_Nobs-{}_delTobs-{}_mono-{}.txt'.format(p_0_1, dpp_1, dxx_1, step_1/c_light, N_obs_1, deltaD_1/c_light, mono_1))
df_1["T"] = df_1["D"]/c_light
del (df_1["D"])
del (df_1["Y"])
del (df_1["Z"])
times_1 = df_1["T"].unique()
groups_1 = df_1.groupby(df_1["T"])
# Visualisation
bins = np.logspace(-1, 2.5 , 61)
for t in [times_1[0], times_1[99], times_1[9999]]:
energies = groups_1.get_group(t).E
energies.hist(bins=bins, label=r"$t={:.1}s, \langle E\rangle/E_0={:.1}$".format(t, energies.mean()), alpha=0.8)
plt.xlabel('Energy change [$E/E_0$]')
plt.ylabel('Number of pseudo-particles')
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
Figure 1: Time evolution of the energy spectrum for a burst-like injection
binEdges = np.logspace(-1., 2.3, 31)
fit_range = slice(9, -14)
plot_range = slice(9,-1)
#for t in [times[0], times[9], times[99], times[999], times[9999]]:
for t in [times_1[0], times_1[99], times_1[9999]]:
J, dJ, bin_center, meanE = TimeIntegrateSpectrum(df_1, t, binEdges, weighted = False) #restrict to get spectrum close to the shock
plt.errorbar(bin_center, J/bin_center, yerr=dJ/bin_center, marker='x', linestyle='', label=r"$t\leq{:.1E}s, \langle E\rangle/E_0=${:.1E} ".format(t, meanE))
if t == times_1[9999]:
popt, cov = curve_fit(linFit, np.log10(bin_center)[fit_range], np.log10(J)[fit_range])
x_plot = bin_center[plot_range]
f_plot = logFit(x_plot, popt[0], 10**popt[1])
plt.plot(x_plot, f_plot/x_plot, color='k', linestyle='-')
x_fit = bin_center[fit_range]
f_fit = logFit(x_fit, popt[0], 10**popt[1])
plt.plot(x_fit, f_fit/x_fit, color='r', linestyle='--', label=r'power law fit with $\gamma={:.3}\pm{:.1}$'.format(popt[0], np.sqrt(cov[0, 0])))
plt.plot((1, 1), (1e-4, 2e4), 'k')
plt.ylim(2e-0, 2e4)
plt.xlabel('relative energy [$E/E_0$]')
plt.ylabel('n / E')
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Figure 2: Different approximations of the stationary solution (
Fast time evolution setup
Here, a momentum diffusion coefficient of
# settings
dpp_10 = 10
dxx_10 = 1
alpha_10 = 0.
p_0_10 = 1
mono_10 = True #switch for monoenergetic or power law injection.
N_obs_10 = 10000
N_cand_10 = 1000
step_10 = 1e-3 * c_light
deltaD_10 = 100 * step_10
# Run the simulation
Run_MomentumDiffusion(dpp =dpp_10, dxx=dxx_10, alpha=alpha_10, p_0=p_0_10, mono=mono_10, N_obs=N_obs_10, N_cand=N_cand_10)
crpropa::ModuleList: Number of Threads: 8
Run ModuleList
Started Mon Oct 16 15:31:33 2023 : [ Finished ] 100% Needed: 00:02:57 - Finished at Mon Oct 16 15:34:30 2023
# Load data
df_10 = loadData('MomentumDiffusion_p0-{}_dpp-{}_dxx-{}_delT-{}_Nobs-{}_delTobs-{}_mono-{}.txt'.format(p_0_10, dpp_10, dxx_10, step_10/c_light, N_obs_10, deltaD_10/c_light, mono_10))
df_10["T"] = df_10["D"]/c_light
del (df_10["D"])
del (df_10["Y"])
del (df_10["Z"])
times_10 = df_10["T"].unique()
groups_10 = df_10.groupby(df_10["T"])
# Visualisation
binEdges = np.logspace(-1., 3., 31)
fit_range = slice(9, -12)
plot_range = slice(7,-1)
for t in [times_10[0], times_10[99], times_10[9999]]:
J, dJ, bin_center, meanE = TimeIntegrateSpectrum(df_10, t, binEdges, weighted = False) #restrict to get spectrum close to the shock
plt.errorbar(bin_center, J/bin_center, yerr=dJ/bin_center, marker='x', linestyle='', label=r"$t\leq{:.1E}s, \langle E\rangle/E_0=${:.1E} ".format(t, meanE))
if t == times_1[9999]:
popt, cov = curve_fit(linFit, np.log10(bin_center)[fit_range], np.log10(J)[fit_range])
x_plot = bin_center[plot_range]
f_plot = logFit(x_plot, popt[0], 10**popt[1])
plt.plot(x_plot, f_plot/x_plot, color='k', linestyle='-')
x_fit = bin_center[fit_range]
f_fit = logFit(x_fit, popt[0], 10**popt[1])
plt.plot(x_fit, f_fit/x_fit, color='r', linestyle='--', label=r'power law fit with $\gamma={:.3}\pm{:.1}$'.format(popt[0], np.sqrt(cov[0, 0])))
plt.plot((1, 1), (1e-4, 2e4), 'k')
plt.ylim(2e-0, 2e4)
plt.xlabel('relative energy [$E/E_0$]')
plt.ylabel('n / E')
/tmp/ipykernel_3178606/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
popt, cov = curve_fit(linFit, np.log10(bin_center)[fit_range], np.log10(J)[fit_range])
Figure 3: Same as in figure 2 but for a larger momentum diffusion scalar. It is visible that the time evolution is faster and higher energies are reached in the same time. However, the approximation close to