Implementing additional Modules and Features using Python only

Derivatives of base classes such as Module, Source, SourceProperty, etc. can be implemented in Python and used like the built-in classes. Here is an example for a custom Module:

from crpropa import *

class MyModule(Module):
    """ Reduces the cosmic ray energy by 10% in each step """
    def process(self, c):
        c.current.setEnergy(c.current.getEnergy() * 0.9)

m = ModuleList()

mod = MyModule() # See

c = Candidate()

When redefining the constructor make sure to call the constructor of the super classes as well, as otherwise the code will segfault.

class MyModule(Module):
    def __init__(self):

The initial properties of a cosmic rays can be set with a Source, composed of several SourceProperties. Custom SourceFeatures can be written in the following way:

class MySourceFeature(SourceFeature):
    """ Set the initial energy to 10 EeV """
    def __init__(self):

    def prepareParticle(self, particleState):
            particleState.setEnergy(10 * EeV)

# The source feature has to be created outside of the class attribute
# s.add(MySourceFeature()) will NOT work! (SWIG issue)
srcFtr = MySourceFeature()
s = Source()
c = s.getCandidate()
print(c.current.getEnergy() / EeV)

The redshift is stored in the Candidate, not in the ParticleState. To set it with a SourceFeature, use the following:

class MySourceFeature(SourceFeature):
    """ Set the initial redshift """
    def __init__(self):

    def prepareCandidate(self, candidate):

# The source feature has to be created outside of the class attribute
# s.add(MySourceFeature()) will NOT work! (SWIG issue)
srcFtr = MySourceFeature()
s = Source()
c = s.getCandidate()

Manual Simulation Processing

If necessary, the simulation chain (ModuleList) and the cosmic ray source (Source, SourceFeature) can be replaced by custom loops.

mycandidate = Candidate(1, 10. * EeV)

m1 = SimplePropagation()
m2 = ElectronPairProduction(CMB())
m3 = MinimumEnergy(5 * EeV)

while mycandidate.isActive():
    # reduce the energy by 10%
    E = mycandidate.current.getEnergy()
    mycandidate.current.setEnergy(0.9 * E)
CosmicRay at z = 0
  source:  Particle 1, E = 10 EeV, x = 0 0 0 Mpc, p = -1 0 0
  current: Particle 1, E = 4.30467 EeV, x = -7000 0 0 Mpc, p = -1 0 0

A source can be replaced by setting all necessary cosmic rays properties by hand. The created Candidates can either be propagated one-by-one, or first collected in a CandidateVector and then propagated.

for i in range(1000):
    p = ParticleState()
    p.setId(nucleusId(12, 6))
    p.setEnergy(200 * EeV)
    p.setPosition(Vector3d(100, 10, 10) * Mpc)

    c = Candidate(p)

Plugins: Integrate Custom C++ Code to CRPropa’s Python Steering

Extending CRPropa with C++ code and keep python steering is also possible using SWIG. Make sure that the directory of ~/plugin-template/build is your python PATH or add it manually, e.g. with:

import sys

Afterwards, this allows to integrate your code seamless as e.g.

import crpropa
import myPlugin

ml = crpropa.ModuleList()
ml.add(crpropa.MaximumTrajectoryLength(1000 * crpropa.parsec))

source = crpropa.Source()

A template is in the plugin-template folder of the CRPropa source. Although the template is complete with build and SWIG wrapper code, deeper knowledge of SWIG, C++, and CMake are likely required for complex projects.

To get started with your own plugin

  1. Copy the folder to a new location. We highly recommended to manage the files in a (git) repository from the beginning.

  2. Test compiling the template

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make && python ../

This should work if CRPropa is installed and can be found by python.

  1. Customize the template to your needs, starting with naming your plugin by modifying the according line in `CMakeLists.txt’ and renaming the files accordingly.