Class Output

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class Output : public Module

Configurable output base class. The names of each quantity are provided in the table below. The left column corresponds to the labels of each quantity. They are printed in the output files either as comments (in a text file) or as columns (in a HDF5 file). The right columns are the names of each column for internal access. . D TrajectoryLengthColumn . SN SerialNumberColumn . ID CurrentIdColumn . E CurrentEnergyColumn . X/Y/Z CurrentPositionColumn . Px/Py/Pz CurrentDirectionColumn . SN0 SourceSerialNumberColumn . ID0 SourceIdColumn . E0 SourceEnergyColumn . X0/Y0/Z0 SourcePositionColumn . P0x/P0y/P0z SourceDirectionColumn . SN1 CreatedSerialNumberColumn . ID1 CreatedIdColumn . E1 CreatedEnergyColumn . X1/Y1/Z1 CreatedPositionColumn . P1x/P1y/P1z CreatedDirectionColumn . z RedshiftColumn . tag CandidateTagColumn . weight WeightColumn.

Some output types are pre-defined: . Trajectory1D . Trajectory3D . Event1D . Event3D . Everything They can be easily customised by enabling/disabling specific columns.

Subclassed by HDF5Output, TextOutput

Public Types

enum OutputColumn


enumerator TrajectoryLengthColumn
enumerator ColumnDensityColumn
enumerator RedshiftColumn
enumerator CurrentIdColumn
enumerator CurrentEnergyColumn
enumerator CurrentPositionColumn
enumerator CurrentDirectionColumn
enumerator SourceIdColumn
enumerator SourceEnergyColumn
enumerator SourcePositionColumn
enumerator SourceDirectionColumn
enumerator CreatedIdColumn
enumerator CreatedEnergyColumn
enumerator CreatedPositionColumn
enumerator CreatedDirectionColumn
enumerator CandidateTagColumn
enumerator SerialNumberColumn
enumerator WeightColumn
enum OutputType


enumerator Trajectory1D
enumerator Trajectory3D
enumerator Event1D
enumerator Event3D
enumerator Everything

Public Functions

std::string OutputTypeName(OutputType outputtype)

Default constructor. Output contains all the information available. Units of energy and length are, by default, EeV and Mpc. This can be changed with setEnergyScale and setLengthScale.

Output(OutputType outputType)

General constructor. Units of energy and length are, by default, EeV and Mpc. This can be changed with setEnergyScale and setLengthScale.


outputType – type of output: Trajectory1D, Trajectory3D, Event1D, Event3D, Everything

void setEnergyScale(double scale)

Set energy scale.


scale – energy scale (scale = 1 corresponds to 1 Joule)

void setLengthScale(double scale)

Set length scale.


scale – length scale (scale = 1 corresponds to 1 meter)

void setOutputType(OutputType outputType)

Set type of output.


outputType – type of output: Trajectory1D, Trajectory3D, Event1D, Event3D, Everything

void set(OutputColumn field, bool value)

Determines whether a given column will be displayed in the output.

  • field – name of the field to be added/removed from output

  • value – boolean flag adding (true) or removing (false) the field

void enableProperty(const std::string &property, const Variant &defaultValue, const std::string &comment = "")

Add a property to output. Default value is required to assign a type in the output.

  • property – string containing name of property

  • defaultValue – default value of property

  • comment – string with a comment

void enable(OutputColumn field)

Enable specific column in the output.


field – name of the field to be enabled

void disable(OutputColumn field)

Disable specific column in the output.


field – name of the field to be disabled

void enableAll()

Enable all fields. Essentially a wrapper for set(field, true).

void disableAll()

Disable all fields. Essentially a wrapper for set(field, false).

void set1D(bool value)

If true, output is of 1D type. 3D quantities such as vectors will be reduced to the relevant components (x, by default).


value – boolean flag

size_t size() const

Returns the size of the output

virtual void process(Candidate*) const
virtual std::string getDescription() const
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
inline void process(ref_ptr<Candidate> candidate) const
inline size_t addReference() const
inline size_t removeReference() const
inline int removeReferenceNoDelete() const
inline size_t getReferenceCount() const

Public Members

const std::string outputName

Protected Functions

void modify()

Protected Attributes

double lengthScale
double energyScale
std::bitset<64> fields
std::vector<Property> properties
bool oneDimensional
mutable size_t count
mutable size_t _referenceCount
struct Property

Public Members

std::string name
std::string comment
Variant defaultValue