Using CRPropa from C++

Although is highly recommended to use and to extend CRPropa with the default Python binding, there is also a possibility to use it within a C++ code when Python or SWIG are not available or desirable.

To include CRPropa classes and definitions it is sufficient to include crpropa/CRPropa.h, example:

#include "crpropa/CRPropa.h"

using namespace crpropa;

int main(void) {

        ModuleList sim;
        sim.add(new SimplePropagation(1*kpc, 10*Mpc));
        sim.add(new Redshift());
        sim.add(new PhotoPionProduction(CMB));
        sim.add(new PhotoPionProduction(IRB));
        sim.add(new PhotoDisintegration(CMB));
        sim.add(new PhotoDisintegration(IRB));
        sim.add(new NuclearDecay());
        sim.add(new ElectronPairProduction(CMB));
        sim.add(new ElectronPairProduction(IRB));
        sim.add(new MinimumEnergy(1*EeV));

        ref_ptr<Observer> obs = new Observer();
        obs->add(new Observer1D());
        obs->onDetection(new TextOutput("events.txt", Output::Event1D));
        obs->onDetection(new TextOutput());

        ref_ptr<Source> source = new Source();
        source->add(new SourceUniform1D(1*Mpc, 1000*Mpc));
        source->add(new SourceRedshift1D());

        ref_ptr<SourceComposition> composition =
            new SourceComposition(1*EeV, 100*EeV, -1);
        composition->add(1,  1,  1);
        composition->add(4,  2,  1);
        composition->add(14, 7,  1);
        composition->add(56, 26, 1);

        sim.setShowProgress(true);, 2000, true);

        return 0;

Compiler such as gcc should have an access to the header and to CRPropa’s shared library ( If one used paths from here, gcc line would look like:

g++ example.cpp -o run -I$HOME/.local/include/ -L$HOME/.local/lib/ -lcrpropa

However, a Makefile should be employed in a general case.