Class EmissionMap
Defined in File EmissionMap.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public Referenced
(Class Referenced)
Class Documentation
class EmissionMap : public Referenced
Particle Type and energy binned emission maps.
Use SourceEmissionMap to suppress directions at the source. Use EmissionMapFiller to create EmissionMap from Observer.
Public Types
typedef std::pair<int, size_t> key_t
typedef std::map<key_t, ref_ptr<CylindricalProjectionMap>> map_t
Public Functions
EmissionMap(size_t nPhi, size_t nTheta, size_t nEnergy)
- Parameters:
nPhi – number of bins for phi (0-2pi)
nTheta – number of bins for theta (0-pi)
nEnergy – number of bins for energy (1e-4 - 1e4 EeV)
EmissionMap(size_t nPhi, size_t nTheta, size_t nEnergy, double minEnergy, double maxEnergy)
- Parameters:
nPhi – number of bins for phi (0-2pi)
nTheta – number of bins for theta (0-pi)
nEnergy – number of bins for energy (1e-4 - 1e4 EeV)
minEnergy – minimum energy for binning
maxEnergy – maximum energy for binning
double energyFromBin(size_t bin) const
Calculate energy from bin
size_t binFromEnergy(double energy) const
Calculate bin from energy
void fillMap(int pid, double energy, const Vector3d &direction, double weight = 1.)
Increment the value for particle type, energy and direction by weight.
void fillMap(const ParticleState &state, double weight = 1.)
Increment the value for the particle state by weight.
bool drawDirection(int pid, double energy, Vector3d &direction) const
Draw a random vector from the distribution.
bool drawDirection(const ParticleState &state, Vector3d &direction) const
Draw a random vector from the distribution.
bool checkDirection(int pid, double energy, const Vector3d &direction) const
Check if the direction has a non zero propabiliy.
bool checkDirection(const ParticleState &state) const
Check if the direction has a non zero propabiliy.
bool hasMap(int pid, double energy)
Check if a valid map exists
ref_ptr<CylindricalProjectionMap> getMap(int pid, double energy)
Get the map for the specified pid and energy
void save(const std::string &filename)
Save the content of the maps into a text file
void load(const std::string &filename)
Load the content of the maps from a text file
void merge(const EmissionMap *other)
Merge other maps, add pdfs
void merge(const std::string &filename)
Merge maps from file
inline size_t addReference() const
inline size_t removeReference() const
inline int removeReferenceNoDelete() const
inline size_t getReferenceCount() const
typedef std::pair<int, size_t> key_t