Program Listing for File PhotoPionProduction.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/module/PhotoPionProduction.cpp)

#include "crpropa/module/PhotoPionProduction.h"
#include "crpropa/Units.h"
#include "crpropa/ParticleID.h"
#include "crpropa/Random.h"

#include "kiss/convert.h"
#include "kiss/logger.h"
#include "sophia.h"

#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace crpropa {

PhotoPionProduction::PhotoPionProduction(ref_ptr<PhotonField> field, bool photons, bool neutrinos, bool electrons, bool antiNucleons, double l, bool redshift) {
        havePhotons = photons;
        haveNeutrinos = neutrinos;
        haveElectrons = electrons;
        haveAntiNucleons = antiNucleons;
        haveRedshiftDependence = redshift;
        limit = l;

void PhotoPionProduction::setPhotonField(ref_ptr<PhotonField> field) {
        photonField = field;
        std::string fname = photonField->getFieldName();
        if (haveRedshiftDependence) {
                if (photonField->hasRedshiftDependence() == false){
                        std::cout << "PhotoPionProduction: tabulated redshift dependence not needed for " + fname + ", switching off" << std::endl;
                        haveRedshiftDependence = false;
                else {
                        KISS_LOG_WARNING << "PhotoPionProduction: You are using the 2-dimensional tabulated redshift evolution, which is not available for other interactions. To be consistent across all interactions you may deactivate this <setHaveRedshiftDependence(False)>.";

        setDescription("PhotoPionProduction: " + fname);
        if (haveRedshiftDependence){
                initRate(getDataPath("PhotoPionProduction/rate_" + fname.replace(0, 3, "IRBz") + ".txt"));
                initRate(getDataPath("PhotoPionProduction/rate_" + fname + ".txt"));

void PhotoPionProduction::setHavePhotons(bool b) {
        havePhotons = b;

void PhotoPionProduction::setHaveElectrons(bool b) {
        haveElectrons = b;

void PhotoPionProduction::setHaveNeutrinos(bool b) {
        haveNeutrinos = b;

void PhotoPionProduction::setHaveAntiNucleons(bool b) {
        haveAntiNucleons = b;

void PhotoPionProduction::setHaveRedshiftDependence(bool b) {
        haveRedshiftDependence = b;

void PhotoPionProduction::setLimit(double l) {
        limit = l;

void PhotoPionProduction::initRate(std::string filename) {
        // clear previously loaded tables

        std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
        if (!infile.good())
                throw std::runtime_error("PhotoPionProduction: could not open file " + filename);

        if (haveRedshiftDependence) {
                double zOld = -1, aOld = -1;
                while (infile.good()) {
                        if (infile.peek() == '#') {
                                infile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
                        double z, a, b, c;
                        infile >> z >> a >> b >> c;
                        if (!infile)
                        if (z > zOld) {
                                zOld = z;
                        if (a > aOld) {
                                tabLorentz.push_back(pow(10, a));
                                aOld = a;
                        tabProtonRate.push_back(b / Mpc);
                        tabNeutronRate.push_back(c / Mpc);
        } else {
                while (infile.good()) {
                        if (infile.peek() == '#') {
                                infile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
                        double a, b, c;
                        infile >> a >> b >> c;
                        if (!infile)
                        tabLorentz.push_back(pow(10, a));
                        tabProtonRate.push_back(b / Mpc);
                        tabNeutronRate.push_back(c / Mpc);


double PhotoPionProduction::nucleonMFP(double gamma, double z, bool onProton) const {
        const std::vector<double> &tabRate = (onProton)? tabProtonRate : tabNeutronRate;

        // scale nucleus energy instead of background photon energy
        gamma *= (1 + z);
        if (gamma < tabLorentz.front() or (gamma > tabLorentz.back()))
                return std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

        double rate;
        if (haveRedshiftDependence)
                rate = interpolate2d(z, gamma, tabRedshifts, tabLorentz, tabRate);
                rate = interpolate(gamma, tabLorentz, tabRate) * photonField->getRedshiftScaling(z);

        // cosmological scaling
        rate *= pow_integer<2>(1 + z);

        return 1. / rate;

double PhotoPionProduction::nucleiModification(int A, int X) const {
        if (A == 1)
                return 1.;
        if (A <= 8)
                return 0.85 * pow(X, 2. / 3.);
        return 0.85 * X;

void PhotoPionProduction::process(Candidate *candidate) const {
        double step = candidate->getCurrentStep();
        double z = candidate->getRedshift();
        // the loop is processed at least once for limiting the next step
        do {
                // check if nucleus
                int id = candidate->current.getId();
                if (!isNucleus(id))

                // find interaction with minimum random distance
                Random &random = Random::instance();
                double randDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
                double meanFreePath;
                double totalRate = 0;
                bool onProton = true; // interacting particle: proton or neutron

                int A = massNumber(id);
                int Z = chargeNumber(id);
                int N = A - Z;
                double gamma = candidate->current.getLorentzFactor();

                // check for interaction on protons
                if (Z > 0) {
                        meanFreePath = nucleonMFP(gamma, z, true) / nucleiModification(A, Z);
                        randDistance = -log(random.rand()) * meanFreePath;
                        totalRate += 1. / meanFreePath;
                // check for interaction on neutrons
                if (N > 0) {
                        meanFreePath = nucleonMFP(gamma, z, false) / nucleiModification(A, N);
                        totalRate += 1. / meanFreePath;
                        double d = -log(random.rand()) * meanFreePath;
                        if (d < randDistance) {
                                randDistance = d;
                                onProton = false;

                // check if interaction does not happen
                if (step < randDistance) {
                        if (totalRate > 0.)
                                candidate->limitNextStep(limit / totalRate);

                // interact and repeat with remaining step
                performInteraction(candidate, onProton);
                step -= randDistance;
        } while (step > 0);

void PhotoPionProduction::performInteraction(Candidate *candidate, bool onProton) const {
        int id = candidate->current.getId();
        int A = massNumber(id);
        int Z = chargeNumber(id);
        double E = candidate->current.getEnergy();
        double EpA = E / A;
        double z = candidate->getRedshift();

        // SOPHIA simulates interactions only for protons / neutrons.
        // For anti-protons / neutrons assume charge symmetry and change all
        // interaction products from particle <--> anti-particle (sign)
        int sign = (id > 0) ? 1 : -1;

        // check if below SOPHIA's energy threshold
        double E_threshold = (photonField->getFieldName() == "CMB") ? 3.72e18 * eV : 5.83e15 * eV;
        if (EpA * (1 + z) < E_threshold)

        // SOPHIA - input:
        int nature = 1 - static_cast<int>(onProton);  // 0=proton, 1=neutron
        double Ein = EpA / GeV;  // GeV is the SOPHIA standard unit
        double eps = sampleEps(onProton, EpA, z) / GeV;  // GeV for SOPHIA

        // SOPHIA - output:
        double outputEnergy[5][2000];  // [GeV/c, GeV/c, GeV/c, GeV, GeV/c^2]
        int outPartID[2000];
        int nParticles;

#pragma omp critical
                sophiaevent_(nature, Ein, eps, outputEnergy, outPartID, nParticles);

        Random &random = Random::instance();
        Vector3d pos = random.randomInterpolatedPosition(candidate->previous.getPosition(), candidate->current.getPosition());
        std::vector<int> pnType;  // filled with either 13 (proton) or 14 (neutron)
        std::vector<double> pnEnergy;  // corresponding energies of proton or neutron
        if (nParticles == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++) { // loop over out-going particles
                double Eout = outputEnergy[3][i] * GeV; // only the energy is used; could be changed for more detail
                int pType = outPartID[i];
                switch (pType) {
                case 13: // proton
                case 14: // neutron
                        // proton and neutron data is taken to determine primary particle in a later step
                case -13: // anti-proton
                case -14: // anti-neutron
                        if (haveAntiNucleons)
                                        candidate->addSecondary(-sign * nucleusId(1, 14 + pType), Eout, pos, 1., interactionTag);
                                catch (std::runtime_error &e)
                                        KISS_LOG_ERROR<< "Something went wrong in the PhotoPionProduction (anti-nucleon production)\n" << "Something went wrong in the PhotoPionProduction\n"<< "Please report this error on including your simulation setup and the following random seed:\n" << Random::instance().getSeed_base64();
                case 1: // photon
                        if (havePhotons)
                                candidate->addSecondary(22, Eout, pos, 1., interactionTag);
                case 2: // positron
                        if (haveElectrons)
                                candidate->addSecondary(sign * -11, Eout, pos, 1., interactionTag);
                case 3: // electron
                        if (haveElectrons)
                                candidate->addSecondary(sign * 11, Eout, pos, 1., interactionTag);
                case 15: // nu_e
                        if (haveNeutrinos)
                                candidate->addSecondary(sign * 12, Eout, pos, 1., interactionTag);
                case 16: // anti-nu_e
                        if (haveNeutrinos)
                                candidate->addSecondary(sign * -12, Eout, pos, 1., interactionTag);
                case 17: // nu_mu
                        if (haveNeutrinos)
                                candidate->addSecondary(sign * 14, Eout, pos, 1., interactionTag);
                case 18: // anti-nu_mu
                        if (haveNeutrinos)
                                candidate->addSecondary(sign * -14, Eout, pos, 1., interactionTag);
                        throw std::runtime_error("PhotoPionProduction: unexpected particle " + kiss::str(pType));
        double maxEnergy = *std::max_element(pnEnergy.begin(), pnEnergy.end());  // criterion for being declared primary
        for (int i = 0; i < pnEnergy.size(); ++i) {
                if (pnEnergy[i] == maxEnergy) {  // nucleon is primary particle
                        if (A == 1) {
                                // single interacting nucleon
                                        candidate->current.setId(sign * nucleusId(1, 14 - pnType[i]));
                                catch (std::runtime_error &e)
                                        KISS_LOG_ERROR<< "Something went wrong in the PhotoPionProduction (primary particle, A==1)\n" << "Please report this error on including your simulation setup and the following random seed:\n" << Random::instance().getSeed_base64();
                        } else {
                                // interacting nucleon is part of nucleus: it is emitted from the nucleus
                                candidate->current.setEnergy(E - EpA);
                                        candidate->current.setId(sign * nucleusId(A - 1, Z - int(onProton)));
                                        candidate->addSecondary(sign * nucleusId(1, 14 - pnType[i]), pnEnergy[i], pos, 1., interactionTag);
                                catch (std::runtime_error &e)
                                        KISS_LOG_ERROR<< "Something went wrong in the PhotoPionProduction (primary particle, A!=1)\n" << "Please report this error on including your simulation setup and the following random seed:\n" << Random::instance().getSeed_base64();
                } else {  // nucleon is secondary proton or neutron
                        candidate->addSecondary(sign * nucleusId(1, 14 - pnType[i]), pnEnergy[i], pos, 1., interactionTag);

double PhotoPionProduction::lossLength(int id, double gamma, double z) {
        int A = massNumber(id);
        int Z = chargeNumber(id);
        int N = A - Z;

        double lossRate = 0;
        if (Z > 0)
                lossRate += 1 / nucleonMFP(gamma, z, true) * nucleiModification(A, Z);
        if (N > 0)
                lossRate += 1 / nucleonMFP(gamma, z, false) * nucleiModification(A, N);

        // approximate the relative energy loss
        // - nucleons keep the fraction of mass to delta-resonance mass
        // - nuclei lose the energy 1/A the interacting nucleon is carrying
        double relativeEnergyLoss = (A == 1) ? 1 - 938. / 1232. : 1. / A;
        lossRate *= relativeEnergyLoss;

        // scaling factor: interaction rate --> energy loss rate
        lossRate *= (1 + z);

        return 1. / lossRate;

SophiaEventOutput PhotoPionProduction::sophiaEvent(bool onProton, double Ein, double eps) const {
        // SOPHIA - input:
        int nature = 1 - static_cast<int>(onProton);  // 0=proton, 1=neutron
        Ein /= GeV;  // GeV is the SOPHIA standard unit
        eps /= GeV;  // GeV for SOPHIA

        // SOPHIA - output:
        double outputEnergy[5][2000];  // [Px GeV/c, Py GeV/c, Pz GeV/c, E GeV, m0 GeV/c^2]
        int outPartID[2000];
        int nParticles;

        sophiaevent_(nature, Ein, eps, outputEnergy, outPartID, nParticles);

        // convert SOPHIA IDs to PDG naming convention & create particles
        SophiaEventOutput output;
        output.nParticles = nParticles;
        for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; ++i) {
                int id = 0;
                int partType = outPartID[i];
                switch (partType) {
                        case 13:  // proton
                        case 14:  // neutron
                                id = nucleusId(1, 14 - partType);
                        case -13:  // anti-proton
                        case -14:  // anti-neutron
                                id = -nucleusId(1, 14 + partType);
                        case 1:  // photon
                                id = 22;
                        case 2:  // positron
                                id = -11;
                        case 3:  // electron
                                id = 11;
                        case 15:  // nu_e
                                id = 12;
                        case 16:  // anti-nu_e
                                id = -12;
                        case 17:  // nu_mu
                                id = 14;
                        case 18:  // anti-nu_mu
                                id = -14;
                                throw std::runtime_error("PhotoPionProduction: unexpected particle " + kiss::str(partType));
      [3][i] * GeV); // only the energy is used; could be changed for more detail
        return output;

double PhotoPionProduction::sampleEps(bool onProton, double E, double z) const {
        // sample eps between epsMin ... epsMax
        double Ein = E / GeV;
        double epsMin = std::max(photonField -> getMinimumPhotonEnergy(z) / eV, epsMinInteraction(onProton, Ein));
        double epsMax = photonField -> getMaximumPhotonEnergy(z) / eV;
        double pEpsMax = probEpsMax(onProton, Ein, z, epsMin, epsMax);

        Random &random = Random::instance();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
                double eps = epsMin + random.rand() * (epsMax - epsMin);
                double pEps = probEps(eps, onProton, Ein, z);
                if (random.rand() * pEpsMax < pEps)
                        return eps * eV;
        throw std::runtime_error("error: no photon found in sampleEps, please make sure that photon field provides photons for the interaction by adapting the energy range of the tabulated photon field.");

double PhotoPionProduction::epsMinInteraction(bool onProton, double Ein) const {
        // labframe energy of least energetic photon where PPP can occur
        // this kind-of ties samplingEps to the PPP and SOPHIA
        const double m = mass(onProton);
        const double p = momentum(onProton, Ein);
        double epsMin = 1.e9 * (1.1646 - m * m) / 2. / (Ein + p); // eV
        return epsMin;

double PhotoPionProduction::probEpsMax(bool onProton, double Ein, double z, double epsMin, double epsMax) const {
        // find pEpsMax by testing photon energies (eps) for their interaction
        // probabilities (p) in order to find the maximum (max) probability
        const int nrSteps = 100;
        double pEpsMaxTested = 0.;
        double step = 0.;
        if (sampleLog){
                // sample in logspace with stepsize that is at max Δlog(E/eV) = 0.01 or otherwise dep. on size of energy range with nrSteps+1 steps log. equidis. spaced
                step = std::min(0.01, std::log10(epsMax / epsMin) / nrSteps);
        } else
                step = (epsMax - epsMin) / nrSteps;

        double epsDummy = 0.;
        int i = 0;
        while (epsDummy < epsMax) {
                if (sampleLog)
                        epsDummy = epsMin * pow(10, step * i);
                        epsDummy = epsMin + step * i;
                double p = probEps(epsDummy, onProton, Ein, z);
                if(p > pEpsMaxTested)
                        pEpsMaxTested = p;
        // the following factor corrects for only trying to find the maximum on nrIteration photon energies
        // the factor should be determined in convergence tests
        double pEpsMax = pEpsMaxTested * correctionFactor;

        if(pEpsMax == 0) {
                KISS_LOG_WARNING << "pEpsMax is 0 in the following configuration: \n"
                        << "\t" << "onProton: " << onProton << "\n"
                        << "\t" << "Ein: " << Ein << " [GeV] \n"
                        << "\t" << "epsRange [eV] " << epsMin << "\t" << epsMax << "\n"
                        << "\t" << "redshift: " << z << "\n"
                        << "\t" << "sample Log " << sampleLog << " with step " << step << " [eV] \n";

        return pEpsMax;

double PhotoPionProduction::probEps(double eps, bool onProton, double Ein, double z) const {
        // probEps returns "probability to encounter a photon of energy eps", given a primary nucleon
        // note, probEps does not return a normalized probability [0,...,1]
        double photonDensity = photonField->getPhotonDensity(eps * eV, z) * ccm / eps;
        if (photonDensity != 0.) {
                const double p = momentum(onProton, Ein);
                const double sMax = mass(onProton) * mass(onProton) + 2. * eps * (Ein + p) / 1.e9;
                if (sMax <= sMin())
                        return 0;
                double sIntegr = gaussInt([this, onProton](double s) { return this->functs(s, onProton); }, sMin(), sMax);
                return photonDensity * sIntegr / eps / eps / p / 8. * 1.e18 * 1.e6;
        return 0;

double PhotoPionProduction::momentum(bool onProton, double Ein) const {
        const double m = mass(onProton);
        const double momentumHadron = sqrt(Ein * Ein - m * m);  // GeV/c
        return momentumHadron;

double PhotoPionProduction::crossection(double eps, bool onProton) const {
        const double m = mass(onProton);
        const double s = m * m + 2. * m * eps;
        if (s < sMin())
                return 0.;
        double cross_res = 0.;
        double cross_dir = 0.;
        double cross_dir1 = 0.;
        double cross_dir2 = 0.;
        double sig_res[9];

        // first half of array: 9x proton resonance data | second half of array 9x neutron resonance data
        static const double AMRES[18] = {1.231, 1.440, 1.515, 1.525, 1.675, 1.680, 1.690, 1.895, 1.950, 1.231, 1.440, 1.515, 1.525, 1.675, 1.675, 1.690, 1.895, 1.950};
        static const double BGAMMA[18] = {5.6, 0.5, 4.6, 2.5, 1.0, 2.1, 2.0, 0.2, 1.0, 6.1, 0.3, 4.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0.2, 2.0, 0.2, 1.0};
        static const double WIDTH[18] = {0.11, 0.35, 0.11, 0.1, 0.16, 0.125, 0.29, 0.35, 0.3, 0.11, 0.35, 0.11, 0.1, 0.16, 0.150, 0.29, 0.35, 0.3};
        static const double RATIOJ[18] = {1., 0.5, 1., 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1., 1.5, 2., 1., 0.5, 1., 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1., 1.5, 2.};
        static const double AM2[2] = {0.882792, 0.880351};

        const int idx = onProton? 0 : 9;
        double SIG0[9];
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
                SIG0[i] = 4.893089117 / AM2[int(onProton)] * RATIOJ[i + idx] * BGAMMA[i + idx];
        if (eps <= 10.) {
                cross_res = breitwigner(SIG0[0], WIDTH[0 + idx], AMRES[0 + idx], eps, onProton) * Ef(eps, 0.152, 0.17);
                sig_res[0] = cross_res;
                for (int i = 1; i < 9; ++i) {
                        sig_res[i] = breitwigner(SIG0[i], WIDTH[i + idx], AMRES[i + idx], eps, onProton) * Ef(eps, 0.15, 0.38);
                        cross_res += sig_res[i];
                // direct channel
                if ((eps > 0.1) && (eps < 0.6)) {
                        cross_dir1 = 92.7 * Pl(eps, 0.152, 0.25, 2.0)  // single pion production
                                           + 40. * std::exp(-(eps - 0.29) * (eps - 0.29) / 0.002)
                                           - 15. * std::exp(-(eps - 0.37) * (eps - 0.37) / 0.002);
                } else {
                        cross_dir1 = 92.7 * Pl(eps, 0.152, 0.25, 2.0);  // single pion production
                cross_dir2 = 37.7 * Pl(eps, 0.4, 0.6, 2.0);  // double pion production
                cross_dir = cross_dir1 + cross_dir2;
        // fragmentation 2:
        double cross_frag2 = onProton? 80.3 : 60.2;
        cross_frag2 *= Ef(eps, 0.5, 0.1) * std::pow(s, -0.34);
        // multipion production/fragmentation 1 cross section
        double cs_multidiff = 0.;
        double cs_multi = 0.;
        double cross_diffr1 = 0.;
        double cross_diffr2 = 0.;
        double cross_diffr = 0.;
        if (eps > 0.85) {
                double ss1 = (eps - 0.85) / 0.69;
                double ss2 = onProton? 29.3 : 26.4;
                ss2 *= std::pow(s, -0.34) + 59.3 * std::pow(s, 0.095);
                cs_multidiff = (1. - std::exp(-ss1)) * ss2;
                cs_multi = 0.89 * cs_multidiff;
                // diffractive scattering:
                cross_diffr1 = 0.099 * cs_multidiff;
                cross_diffr2 = 0.011 * cs_multidiff;
                cross_diffr = 0.11 * cs_multidiff;
                // **************************************
                ss1 = std::pow(eps - 0.85, 0.75) / 0.64;
                ss2 = 74.1 * std::pow(eps, -0.44) + 62. * std::pow(s, 0.08);
                double cs_tmp = 0.96 * (1. - std::exp(-ss1)) * ss2;
                cross_diffr1 = 0.14 * cs_tmp;
                cross_diffr2 = 0.013 * cs_tmp;
                double cs_delta = cross_frag2 - (cross_diffr1 + cross_diffr2 - cross_diffr);
                if (cs_delta < 0.) {
                        cross_frag2 = 0.;
                        cs_multi += cs_delta;
                } else {
                        cross_frag2 = cs_delta;
                cross_diffr = cross_diffr1 + cross_diffr2;
                cs_multidiff = cs_multi + cross_diffr;
        // in the original SOPHIA code, here is a switch for the return argument.
        // Here, only one case (compare in SOPHIA: NDIR=3) is needed.
        return cross_res + cross_dir + cs_multidiff + cross_frag2;

double PhotoPionProduction::Pl(double eps, double epsTh, double epsMax, double alpha) const {
        if (epsTh > eps)
                return 0.;
        const double a = alpha * epsMax / epsTh;
        const double prod1 = std::pow((eps - epsTh) / (epsMax - epsTh), a - alpha);
        const double prod2 = std::pow(eps / epsMax, -a);
        return prod1 * prod2;

double PhotoPionProduction::Ef(double eps, double epsTh, double w) const {
        const double wTh = w + epsTh;
        if (eps <= epsTh) {
                return 0.;
        } else if ((eps > epsTh) && (eps < wTh)) {
                return (eps - epsTh) / w;
        } else if (eps >= wTh) {
                return 1.;
        } else {
                throw std::runtime_error("error in function Ef");

double PhotoPionProduction::breitwigner(double sigma0, double gamma, double DMM, double epsPrime, bool onProton) const {
        const double m = mass(onProton);
        const double s = m * m + 2. * m * epsPrime;
        const double gam2s = gamma * gamma * s;
        return sigma0 * (s / epsPrime / epsPrime) * gam2s / ((s - DMM * DMM) * (s - DMM * DMM) + gam2s);

double PhotoPionProduction::functs(double s, bool onProton) const {
        const double m = mass(onProton);
        const double factor = s - m * m;
        const double epsPrime = factor / 2. / m;
        const double sigmaPg = crossection(epsPrime, onProton);
        return factor * sigmaPg;

double PhotoPionProduction::mass(bool onProton) const {
        const double m =  onProton ? mass_proton : mass_neutron;
        return m / GeV * c_squared;

double PhotoPionProduction::sMin() const {
        return 1.1646; // [GeV^2] head-on collision

void PhotoPionProduction::setSampleLog(bool b) {
        sampleLog = b;

void PhotoPionProduction::setCorrectionFactor(double factor) {
        correctionFactor = factor;

ref_ptr<PhotonField> PhotoPionProduction::getPhotonField() const {
        return photonField;

bool PhotoPionProduction::getHavePhotons() const {
        return havePhotons;

bool PhotoPionProduction::getHaveNeutrinos() const {
        return haveNeutrinos;

bool PhotoPionProduction::getHaveElectrons() const {
        return haveElectrons;

bool PhotoPionProduction::getHaveAntiNucleons() const {
        return haveAntiNucleons;

bool PhotoPionProduction::getHaveRedshiftDependence() const {
        return haveRedshiftDependence;

double PhotoPionProduction::getLimit() const {
        return limit;

bool PhotoPionProduction::getSampleLog() const {
        return sampleLog;

double PhotoPionProduction::getCorrectionFactor() const {
        return correctionFactor;

void PhotoPionProduction::setInteractionTag(std::string tag) {
        interactionTag = tag;

std::string PhotoPionProduction::getInteractionTag() const {
        return interactionTag;

} // namespace crpropa