Program Listing for File ElasticScattering.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/module/ElasticScattering.cpp)

#include "crpropa/module/ElasticScattering.h"
#include "crpropa/Units.h"
#include "crpropa/ParticleID.h"
#include "crpropa/ParticleMass.h"
#include "crpropa/Random.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace crpropa {

const double ElasticScattering::lgmin = 6.;  // minimum log10(Lorentz-factor)
const double ElasticScattering::lgmax = 14.; // maximum log10(Lorentz-factor)
const size_t ElasticScattering::nlg = 201;   // number of Lorentz-factor steps
const double ElasticScattering::epsmin = log10(2 * eV) + 3;    // log10 minimum photon background energy in nucleus rest frame for elastic scattering
const double ElasticScattering::epsmax = log10(2 * eV) + 8.12; // log10 maximum photon background energy in nucleus rest frame for elastic scattering
const size_t ElasticScattering::neps = 513; // number of photon background energies in nucleus rest frame

ElasticScattering::ElasticScattering(ref_ptr<PhotonField> f) {

void ElasticScattering::setPhotonField(ref_ptr<PhotonField> photonField) {
        this->photonField = photonField;
        std::string fname = photonField->getFieldName();
        setDescription("ElasticScattering: " + fname);
        initRate(getDataPath("ElasticScattering/rate_" + fname.substr(0,3) + ".txt"));
        initCDF(getDataPath("ElasticScattering/cdf_" + fname.substr(0,3) + ".txt"));

void ElasticScattering::initRate(std::string filename) {
        std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
        if (not infile.good())
                throw std::runtime_error("ElasticScattering: could not open file " + filename);


        while (infile.good()) {
                if (infile.peek() == '#') {
                        infile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
                double r;
                infile >> r;
                if (!infile)
                tabRate.push_back(r / Mpc);


void ElasticScattering::initCDF(std::string filename) {
        std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
        if (not infile.good())
                throw std::runtime_error("ElasticScattering: could not open file " + filename);

        std::string line;
        double a;
        while (std::getline(infile, line)) {
                if (line[0] == '#')

                std::stringstream lineStream(line);
                lineStream >> a;

                std::vector<double> cdf(neps);
                for (size_t i = 0; i < neps; i++) {
                        lineStream >> a;
                        cdf[i] = a;


void ElasticScattering::process(Candidate *candidate) const {
        int id = candidate->current.getId();
        double z = candidate->getRedshift();

        if (not isNucleus(id))

        double lg = log10(candidate->current.getLorentzFactor() * (1 + z));
        if ((lg < lgmin) or (lg > lgmax))

        int A = massNumber(id);
        int Z = chargeNumber(id);
        int N = A - Z;

        double step = candidate->getCurrentStep();
        while (step > 0) {

                double rate = interpolateEquidistant(lg, lgmin, lgmax, tabRate);
                rate *= Z * N / double(A);  // TRK scaling
                rate *= pow_integer<2>(1 + z) * photonField->getRedshiftScaling(z);  // cosmological scaling

                // check for interaction
                Random &random = Random::instance();
                double randDist = -log(random.rand()) / rate;
                if (step < randDist)

                // draw random background photon energy from CDF
                size_t i = floor((lg - lgmin) / (lgmax - lgmin) * (nlg - 1)); // index of closest gamma tabulation point
                size_t j = random.randBin(tabCDF[i]) - 1; // index of next lower tabulated eps value
                double binWidth = (epsmax - epsmin) / (neps - 1); // logarithmic bin width
                double eps = pow(10, epsmin + (j + random.rand()) * binWidth);

                // boost to lab frame
                double cosTheta = 2 * random.rand() - 1;
                double E = eps * candidate->current.getLorentzFactor() * (1. - cosTheta);

                Vector3d pos = random.randomInterpolatedPosition(candidate->previous.getPosition(), candidate->current.getPosition());
                candidate->addSecondary(22, E, pos, 1., interactionTag);

                // repeat with remaining step
                step -= randDist;

void ElasticScattering::setInteractionTag(std::string tag) {
        this -> interactionTag = tag;

std::string ElasticScattering::getInteractionTag() const {
        return interactionTag;

} // namespace crpropa