Program Listing for File EMInverseComptonScattering.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/module/EMInverseComptonScattering.cpp)

#include "crpropa/module/EMInverseComptonScattering.h"
#include "crpropa/Units.h"
#include "crpropa/Random.h"
#include "crpropa/Common.h"

#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace crpropa {

static const double mec2 = mass_electron * c_squared;

EMInverseComptonScattering::EMInverseComptonScattering(ref_ptr<PhotonField> photonField, bool havePhotons, double thinning, double limit) {

void EMInverseComptonScattering::setPhotonField(ref_ptr<PhotonField> photonField) {
        this->photonField = photonField;
        std::string fname = photonField->getFieldName();
        setDescription("EMInverseComptonScattering: " + fname);
        initRate(getDataPath("EMInverseComptonScattering/rate_" + fname + ".txt"));
        initCumulativeRate(getDataPath("EMInverseComptonScattering/cdf_" + fname + ".txt"));

void EMInverseComptonScattering::setHavePhotons(bool havePhotons) {
        this->havePhotons = havePhotons;

void EMInverseComptonScattering::setLimit(double limit) {
        this->limit = limit;

void EMInverseComptonScattering::setThinning(double thinning) {
        this->thinning = thinning;

void EMInverseComptonScattering::initRate(std::string filename) {
        std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());

        if (!infile.good())
                throw std::runtime_error("EMInverseComptonScattering: could not open file " + filename);

        // clear previously loaded tables

        while (infile.good()) {
                if (infile.peek() != '#') {
                        double a, b;
                        infile >> a >> b;
                        if (infile) {
                                tabEnergy.push_back(pow(10, a) * eV);
                                tabRate.push_back(b / Mpc);
                infile.ignore(std::numeric_limits < std::streamsize > ::max(), '\n');

void EMInverseComptonScattering::initCumulativeRate(std::string filename) {
        std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());

        if (!infile.good())
                throw std::runtime_error("EMInverseComptonScattering: could not open file " + filename);

        // clear previously loaded tables

        // skip header
        while (infile.peek() == '#')
                infile.ignore(std::numeric_limits < std::streamsize > ::max(), '\n');

        // read s values in first line
        double a;
        infile >> a; // skip first value
        while (infile.good() and (infile.peek() != '\n')) {
                infile >> a;
                tabs.push_back(pow(10, a) * eV * eV);

        // read all following lines: E, cdf values
        while (infile.good()) {
                infile >> a;
                if (!infile)
                        break;  // end of file
                tabE.push_back(pow(10, a) * eV);
                std::vector<double> cdf;
                for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); i++) {
                        infile >> a;
                        cdf.push_back(a / Mpc);

// Class to calculate the energy distribution of the ICS photon and to sample from it
class ICSSecondariesEnergyDistribution {
                std::vector< std::vector<double> > data;
                std::vector<double> s_values;
                size_t Ns;
                size_t Nrer;
                double s_min;
                double s_max;
                double dls;

                // differential cross-section, see Lee '96 (arXiv:9604098), eq. 23 for x = Ee'/Ee
                double dSigmadE(double x, double beta) {
                        double q = ((1 - beta) / beta) * (1 - 1./x);
                        return ((1 + beta) / beta) * (x + 1./x + 2 * q + q * q);

                // create the cumulative energy distribution of the up-scattered photon
                ICSSecondariesEnergyDistribution() {
                        Ns = 1000;
                        Nrer = 1000;
                        s_min = mec2 * mec2;
                        s_max = 2e23 * eV * eV;
                        dls = (log(s_max) - log(s_min)) / Ns;
                        data = std::vector< std::vector<double> >(1000, std::vector<double>(1000));
                        std::vector<double> data_i(1000);

                        // tabulate s bin borders
                        s_values = std::vector<double>(1001);
                        for (size_t i = 0; i < Ns + 1; ++i)
                                s_values[i] = s_min * exp(i*dls);

                        // for each s tabulate cumulative differential cross section
                        for (size_t i = 0; i < Ns; i++) {
                                double s = s_min * exp((i+0.5) * dls);
                                double beta = (s - s_min) / (s + s_min);
                                double x0 = (1 - beta) / (1 + beta);
                                double dlx = -log(x0) / Nrer;

                                // cumulative midpoint integration
                                data_i[0] = dSigmadE(x0, beta) * expm1(dlx);
                                for (size_t j = 1; j < Nrer; j++) {
                                        double x = x0 * exp((j+0.5) * dlx);
                                        double dx = exp((j+1) * dlx) - exp(j * dlx);
                                        data_i[j] = dSigmadE(x, beta) * dx;
                                        data_i[j] += data_i[j-1];
                                data[i] = data_i;

                // draw random energy for the up-scattered photon Ep(Ee, s)
                double sample(double Ee, double s) {
                        size_t idx = std::lower_bound(s_values.begin(), s_values.end(), s) - s_values.begin();
                        std::vector<double> s0 = data[idx];
                        Random &random = Random::instance();
                        size_t j = random.randBin(s0) + 1; // draw random bin (upper bin boundary returned)
                        double beta = (s - s_min) / (s + s_min);
                        double x0 = (1 - beta) / (1 + beta);
                        double dlx = -log(x0) / Nrer;
                        double binWidth = x0 * (exp(j * dlx) - exp((j-1) * dlx));
                        double Ep = (x0 * exp((j-1) * dlx) + binWidth) * Ee;
                        return std::min(Ee, Ep); // prevent Ep > Ee from numerical inaccuracies

void EMInverseComptonScattering::performInteraction(Candidate *candidate) const {
        // scale the particle energy instead of background photons
        double z = candidate->getRedshift();
        double E = candidate->current.getEnergy() * (1 + z);

        if (E < tabE.front() or E > tabE.back())

        // sample the value of s
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        size_t i = closestIndex(E, tabE);
        size_t j = random.randBin(tabCDF[i]);
        double s_kin = pow(10, log10(tabs[j]) + (random.rand() - 0.5) * 0.1);
        double s = s_kin + mec2 * mec2;

        // sample electron energy after scattering
        static ICSSecondariesEnergyDistribution distribution;
        double Enew = distribution.sample(E, s);

        // add up-scattered photon
        double Esecondary = E - Enew;
        double f = Enew / E;
        if (havePhotons) {
                if (random.rand() < pow(1 - f, thinning)) {
                        double w = 1. / pow(1 - f, thinning);
                        Vector3d pos = random.randomInterpolatedPosition(candidate->previous.getPosition(), candidate->current.getPosition());
                        candidate->addSecondary(22, Esecondary / (1 + z), pos, w, interactionTag);

        // update the primary particle energy; do this after adding the secondary to correctly set the secondary's parent
        candidate->current.setEnergy(Enew / (1 + z));

void EMInverseComptonScattering::process(Candidate *candidate) const {
        // check if electron / positron
        int id = candidate->current.getId();
        if (abs(id) != 11)

        // scale the particle energy instead of background photons
        double z = candidate->getRedshift();
        double E = candidate->current.getEnergy() * (1 + z);

        if (E < tabEnergy.front() or (E > tabEnergy.back()))

        // interaction rate
        double rate = interpolate(E, tabEnergy, tabRate);
        rate *= pow_integer<2>(1 + z) * photonField->getRedshiftScaling(z);

        // run this loop at least once to limit the step size
        double step = candidate->getCurrentStep();
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        do {
                double randDistance = -log(random.rand()) / rate;

                // check for interaction; if it doesn't ocurr, limit next step
                if (step < randDistance) {
                        candidate->limitNextStep(limit / rate);

                // repeat with remaining step
                step -= randDistance;
        } while (step > 0);

void EMInverseComptonScattering::setInteractionTag(std::string tag) {
        interactionTag = tag;

std::string EMInverseComptonScattering::getInteractionTag() const {
        return interactionTag;

} // namespace crpropa