Program Listing for File Ferriere.cpp
↰ Return to documentation for file (src/massDistribution/Ferriere.cpp
#include "crpropa/massDistribution/Ferriere.h"
#include "crpropa/Common.h"
#include "kiss/logger.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace crpropa {
Vector3d Ferriere::CMZTransformation(const Vector3d &position) const {
// set galactocentric coordinate system with the Sun at (-8.5,0.,0.) instead of (8.5, 0, 0) to be consistand with JF12 implementation
double x = -position.x;
double y = -position.y;
double xC = -50*pc; //offset
double yC = 50*pc;
double sinTc = sin(70.*deg);
double cosTc = cos(70.*deg);
Vector3d pos;
pos.x = (x - xC)*cosTc + (y - yC)*sinTc;
pos.y = -(x - xC)*sinTc + (y - yC)*cosTc;
pos.z = position.z;
return pos;
Vector3d Ferriere::DiskTransformation(const Vector3d &position) const {
// set galactocentric coordinate system with the Sun at (-8.5,0.,0.) instead of (8.5, 0, 0) to be consistand with JF12 implementation
double x = -position.x;
double y = - position.y;
double z = position.z;
double alphaD = 13.5*deg; // rotation arround x-axis
double sinAd = sin(alphaD);
double cosAd = cos(alphaD);
double betaD = 20.*deg; // rotation arround y'-axis
double sinBd = sin(betaD);
double cosBd = cos(betaD);
double TettaD = 48.5*deg; // rotation arround x"-axis
double sinTd = sin(TettaD);
double cosTd = cos(TettaD);
Vector3d pos;
pos.x = x*cosBd*cosTd - y*(sinAd*sinBd*cosTd -cosAd*sinTd)-z*(cosAd*sinBd*cosTd +sinAd*sinTd);
pos.y = -x*cosBd*sinTd;
pos.y += y*(sinAd*sinBd*sinTd +cosAd*cosTd);
pos.y += z*(cosAd*sinBd*sinTd -sinAd*cosTd);
pos.z = x*sinBd;
pos.z += y*sinAd*cosBd;
pos.z += z*cosAd*cosBd;
return pos;
double Ferriere::getHIDensity(const Vector3d &position) const {
double n = 0;
double R = sqrt(position.x*position.x+position.y*position.y);
// density at center
Vector3d pos = CMZTransformation(position); // coordinate trafo
double x = pos.x/pc; // all units in pc
double y = pos.y/pc;
double z = pos.z/pc;
double A = sqrt(x*x+2.5*2.5*y*y);
double nCMZ = 8.8/ccm*exp(-pow_integer<4>((A-125.)/137))*exp(-pow_integer<2>(z/54.));
// density in disk
pos = DiskTransformation(position); // Corrdinate Trafo
x = pos.x/pc; // all units in pc
y = pos.y/pc;
z = pos.z/pc;
A = sqrt(x*x+3.1*3.1*y*y);
double nDisk = 0.34/ccm*exp(-pow_integer<4>((A-1200.)/438.))*exp(-pow_integer<2>(z/120));
n = nCMZ + nDisk;
else{ // outer region
double z = position.z/pc;
double a;
a = 1;
} else {
a = R/Rsun;
double nCold = 0.859*exp(-pow_integer<2>(z/(127*a))); // cold HI
nCold += 0.047*exp(-pow_integer<2>(z/(318*a)));
nCold += 0.094*exp(-fabs(z)/(403*a));
nCold *= 0.340/ccm/(a*a);
double nWarm = (1.745 - 1.289/a)*exp(-pow_integer<2>(z/(127*a))); // warm HI
nWarm += (0.473 - 0.070/a)*exp(-pow_integer<2>(z/(318*a)));
nWarm += (0.283 - 0.142/a)*exp(-fabs(z)/(403*a));
nWarm *= 0.226/ccm/a;
n = nWarm + nCold;
return n;
double Ferriere::getHIIDensity(const Vector3d &position) const {
double n = 0;
double R = sqrt(position.x*position.x+position.y*position.y);
if(R< 3*kpc){ // inner
double x = position.x/pc;
double y = position.y/pc;
double z = position.z/pc;
// warm interstellar matter
double H = (x*x + pow_integer<2>(y+10.))/(145*145);
double nWIM = exp(-H)* exp(-pow_integer<2>(z+20.)/(26*26));
nWIM += 0.009*exp(-pow_integer<2>((R/pc-3700)/(0.5*3700)))*1/pow_integer<2>(cosh(z/140.));
nWIM += 0.005*cos(M_PI*R/pc*0.5/17000)*1/pow_integer<2>(cosh(z/950.));
nWIM *= 8.0/ccm; // rescaling with density at center
//very hot interstellar matter
double alphaVH = 21.*deg; // angle for very hot IM in radiant
double cosA = cos(alphaVH);
double sinA = sin(alphaVH);
double etta = y*cosA+z*sinA; // coordinate transformation for VHIM along major axis
double chi = -y*sinA+z*cosA;
double nVHIM = 0.29/ccm*exp(-((x*x+etta*etta)/(162.*162.)+chi*chi/(90*90)));
n = nWIM + nVHIM;
} else { // outer region
double z = position.z;
double nWarm = 0.0237/ccm*exp(-(R*R-Rsun*Rsun)/pow_integer<2>(37*kpc))*exp(-fabs(z)/(1*kpc));
nWarm += 0.0013/ccm*exp(-(pow_integer<2>(R-4*kpc)-pow_integer<2>(Rsun-4*kpc))/pow_integer<2>(2*kpc))*exp(-fabs(z)/(150*pc));
double nHot = 0.12*exp(-(R-Rsun)/(4.9*kpc));
nHot += 0.88*exp(-(pow_integer<2>(R-4.5*kpc)-pow_integer<2>(Rsun-4.5*kpc))/pow_integer<2>(2.9*kpc));
nHot *= pow(R/Rsun, -1.65);
nHot *= exp(-fabs(z)/((1500*pc)*pow(R/Rsun,1.65)));
nHot *= 4.8e-4/ccm;
n= nWarm + nHot;
return n;
double Ferriere::getH2Density(const Vector3d &position) const{
double n=0;
double R=sqrt(position.x*position.x+position.y*position.y);
if(R<3*kpc) {
// density at center
Vector3d pos =CMZTransformation(position); // coord trafo for CMZ
double x = pos.x/pc; // all units in pc
double y = pos.y/pc;
double z = pos.z/pc;
double A = sqrt(x*x+pow(2.5*y,2)); // ellipticity
double nCMZ = exp(-pow((A-125.)/137.,4))*exp(-pow(z/18.,2));
nCMZ *= 150/ccm; // rescaling
// density in disk
pos = DiskTransformation(position); // coord trafo for disk
A = sqrt(x*x+pow_integer<2>(3.1*y));
double nDISK = exp(-pow_integer<4>((A-1200)/438))*exp(-pow_integer<2>(z/42));
nDISK *= 4.8/ccm; // rescaling
n = nCMZ + nDISK;
} else { // outer region
double z = position.z/pc;
n = pow(R/Rsun, -0.58);
n *= exp(-(pow_integer<2>(R-4.5*kpc)-pow_integer<2>(Rsun-4.5*kpc))/pow_integer<2>(2.9*kpc));
n *= exp(-pow_integer<2>(z/(81*pow(R/Rsun,0.58))));
n *= 0.58/ccm; // rescaling
return n;
double Ferriere::getDensity(const Vector3d &position) const{
double n=0;
n += getHIDensity(position);
// check if all densities are deactivated and raise warning if so
if((isforHI || isforHII || isforH2) == false){
<< "\nCalled getDensity on fully deactivated Ferriere \n"
<< "gas density model. The total density is set to 0.";
return n;
double Ferriere::getNucleonDensity(const Vector3d &position) const{
double n=0;
n += getHIDensity(position);
n+= 2*getH2Density(position);
// check if all densities are deactivated and raise warning if so
if((isforHI || isforHII || isforH2) == false){
<< "\nCalled getNucleonDensity on fully deactivated Ferriere \n"
<< "gas density model. The total density is set to 0.";
return n;
void Ferriere::setIsForHI(bool HI){
isforHI = HI;
void Ferriere::setIsForHII(bool HII){
isforHII = HII;
void Ferriere::setIsForH2(bool H2){
isforH2 = H2;
bool Ferriere::getIsForHI(){
return isforHI;
bool Ferriere::getIsForHII(){
return isforHII;
bool Ferriere::getIsForH2(){
return isforH2;
std::string Ferriere::getDescription() {
std::stringstream s;
s << "Density model Ferriere 2007:\n";
s<< "HI component is ";
s<< "not ";
s<< "active.\nHII component is ";
s<< "not ";
s<<"active.\nH2 component is ";
s<<"not ";
return s.str();
} // namespace crpropa