Program Listing for File SimpleGridTurbulence.cpp

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#include "crpropa/magneticField/turbulentField/SimpleGridTurbulence.h"
#include "crpropa/GridTools.h"
#include "crpropa/Random.h"

#include "fftw3.h"

namespace crpropa {

SimpleGridTurbulence::SimpleGridTurbulence(const SimpleTurbulenceSpectrum &spectrum,
                                           const GridProperties &gridProp,
                                           unsigned int seed)
    : GridTurbulence(spectrum, gridProp, seed) {
        initTurbulence(gridPtr, spectrum.getBrms(), spectrum.getLmin(),
                       spectrum.getLmax(), -spectrum.getSindex() - 2, seed);

void SimpleGridTurbulence::initTurbulence(ref_ptr<Grid3f> grid, double Brms,
                                          double lMin, double lMax,
                                          double alpha, int seed) {

        Vector3d spacing = grid->getSpacing();

        checkGridRequirements(grid, lMin, lMax);

        size_t n = grid->getNx(); // size of array
        size_t n2 = (size_t)floor(n / 2) +
                    1; // size array in z-direction in configuration space

        // arrays to hold the complex vector components of the B(k)-field
        fftwf_complex *Bkx, *Bky, *Bkz;
        Bkx = (fftwf_complex *)fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * n * n * n2);
        Bky = (fftwf_complex *)fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * n * n * n2);
        Bkz = (fftwf_complex *)fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * n * n * n2);

        Random random;
        if (seed != 0)
                random.seed(seed); // use given seed

        // calculate the n possible discrete wave numbers
        double K[n];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
                K[i] = (double)i / n - i / (n / 2);

        double kMin = spacing.x / lMax;
        double kMax = spacing.x / lMin;
        Vector3f n0(1, 1, 1); // arbitrary vector to construct orthogonal base

        for (size_t ix = 0; ix < n; ix++) {
                for (size_t iy = 0; iy < n; iy++) {
                        for (size_t iz = 0; iz < n2; iz++) {

                                Vector3f ek, e1, e2;  // orthogonal base

                                size_t i = ix * n * n2 + iy * n2 + iz;
                                ek.setXYZ(K[ix], K[iy], K[iz]);
                                double k = ek.getR();

                                // wave outside of turbulent range -> B(k) = 0
                                if ((k < kMin) || (k > kMax)) {
                                        Bkx[i][0] = 0;
                                        Bkx[i][1] = 0;
                                        Bky[i][0] = 0;
                                        Bky[i][1] = 0;
                                        Bkz[i][0] = 0;
                                        Bkz[i][1] = 0;

                                // construct an orthogonal base ek, e1, e2
                                if (ek.isParallelTo(n0, float(1e-3))) {
                                        // ek parallel to (1,1,1)
                                        e1.setXYZ(-1., 1., 0);
                                        e2.setXYZ(1., 1., -2.);
                                } else {
                                        // ek not parallel to (1,1,1)
                                        e1 = n0.cross(ek);
                                        e2 = ek.cross(e1);
                                e1 /= e1.getR();
                                e2 /= e2.getR();

                                // random orientation perpendicular to k
                                double theta = 2 * M_PI * random.rand();
                                Vector3f b = e1 * cos(theta) + e2 * sin(theta); // real b-field vector

                                // normal distributed amplitude with mean = 0 and sigma =
                                // k^alpha/2
                                b *= random.randNorm() * pow(k, alpha / 2);

                                // uniform random phase
                                double phase = 2 * M_PI * random.rand();
                                double cosPhase = cos(phase); // real part
                                double sinPhase = sin(phase); // imaginary part

                                Bkx[i][0] = b.x * cosPhase;
                                Bkx[i][1] = b.x * sinPhase;
                                Bky[i][0] = b.y * cosPhase;
                                Bky[i][1] = b.y * sinPhase;
                                Bkz[i][0] = b.z * cosPhase;
                                Bkz[i][1] = b.z * sinPhase;
                        } // for iz
                }     // for iy
        }         // for ix

        executeInverseFFTInplace(grid, Bkx, Bky, Bkz);


        scaleGrid(grid, Brms / rmsFieldStrength(grid)); // normalize to Brms

} // namespace crpropa