Program Listing for File Source.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/Source.cpp)

#include "crpropa/Source.h"
#include "crpropa/Random.h"
#include "crpropa/Cosmology.h"
#include "crpropa/Common.h"
#include "crpropa/Units.h"
#include "crpropa/ParticleID.h"

#include "muParser.h"

#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace crpropa {

// Source ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void Source::add(SourceFeature* property) {

ref_ptr<Candidate> Source::getCandidate() const {
        ref_ptr<Candidate> candidate = new Candidate();
        for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++)
        return candidate;

std::string Source::getDescription() const {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "Cosmic ray source\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++)
                ss << "    " << features[i]->getDescription();
        return ss.str();

// SourceList------------------------------------------------------------------
void SourceList::add(Source* source, double weight) {
        if (cdf.size() > 0)
                weight += cdf.back();

ref_ptr<Candidate> SourceList::getCandidate() const {
        if (sources.size() == 0)
                throw std::runtime_error("SourceList: no sources set");
        size_t i = Random::instance().randBin(cdf);
        return (sources[i])->getCandidate();

std::string SourceList::getDescription() const {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "List of cosmic ray sources\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++)
                ss << "  " << sources[i]->getDescription();
        return ss.str();

// SourceFeature---------------------------------------------------------------
void SourceFeature::prepareCandidate(Candidate& candidate) const {
        ParticleState &source = candidate.source;
        candidate.created = source;
        candidate.current = source;
        candidate.previous = source;

std::string SourceFeature::getDescription() const {
        return description;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceParticleType::SourceParticleType(int id) :
                id(id) {

void SourceParticleType::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {

void SourceParticleType::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceParticleType: " << id << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceMultipleParticleTypes::SourceMultipleParticleTypes() {

void SourceMultipleParticleTypes::add(int id, double a) {
        if (cdf.size() > 0)
                a += cdf.back();

void SourceMultipleParticleTypes::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        if (particleTypes.size() == 0)
                throw std::runtime_error("SourceMultipleParticleTypes: no nuclei set");
        size_t i = Random::instance().randBin(cdf);

void SourceMultipleParticleTypes::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceMultipleParticleTypes: Random particle type\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < particleTypes.size(); i++)
                ss << "      ID = " << particleTypes[i] << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceEnergy::SourceEnergy(double energy) :
                E(energy) {

void SourceEnergy::prepareParticle(ParticleState& p) const {

void SourceEnergy::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceEnergy: " << E / EeV << " EeV\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourcePowerLawSpectrum::SourcePowerLawSpectrum(double Emin, double Emax,
                double index) :
                Emin(Emin), Emax(Emax), index(index) {

void SourcePowerLawSpectrum::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        double E = random.randPowerLaw(index, Emin, Emax);

void SourcePowerLawSpectrum::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourcePowerLawSpectrum: Random energy ";
        ss << "E = " << Emin / EeV << " - " << Emax / EeV << " EeV, ";
        ss << "dN/dE ~ E^" << index  << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceComposition::SourceComposition(double Emin, double Rmax, double index) :
                Emin(Emin), Rmax(Rmax), index(index) {

void SourceComposition::add(int id, double weight) {
        int A = massNumber(id);
        int Z = chargeNumber(id);

        double a = 1 + index;
        if (std::abs(a) < std::numeric_limits<double>::min())
                weight *= log(Z * Rmax / Emin);
                weight *= (pow(Z * Rmax, a) - pow(Emin, a)) / a;

        weight *= pow(A, -a);

        if (cdf.size() > 0)
                weight += cdf.back();

void SourceComposition::add(int A, int Z, double a) {
        add(nucleusId(A, Z), a);

void SourceComposition::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        if (nuclei.size() == 0)
                throw std::runtime_error("SourceComposition: No source isotope set");

        Random &random = Random::instance();

        // draw random particle type
        size_t i = random.randBin(cdf);
        int id = nuclei[i];

        // random energy from power law
        int Z = chargeNumber(id);
        particle.setEnergy(random.randPowerLaw(index, Emin, Z * Rmax));

void SourceComposition::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceComposition: Random element and energy ";
        ss << "E = " << Emin / EeV << " - Z*" << Rmax / EeV << " EeV, ";
        ss << "dN/dE ~ E^" << index << "\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < nuclei.size(); i++)
                ss << "      ID = " << nuclei[i] << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourcePosition::SourcePosition(Vector3d position) :
                position(position) {

SourcePosition::SourcePosition(double d) :
                position(Vector3d(d, 0, 0)) {

void SourcePosition::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {

void SourcePosition::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourcePosition: " << position / Mpc << " Mpc\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceMultiplePositions::SourceMultiplePositions() {

void SourceMultiplePositions::add(Vector3d pos, double weight) {
        if (cdf.size() > 0)
                weight += cdf.back();

void SourceMultiplePositions::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        if (positions.size() == 0)
                throw std::runtime_error("SourceMultiplePositions: no position set");
        size_t i = Random::instance().randBin(cdf);

void SourceMultiplePositions::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceMultiplePositions: Random position from list\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++)
                ss << "  " << positions[i] / Mpc << " Mpc\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceUniformSphere::SourceUniformSphere(Vector3d center, double radius) :
                center(center), radius(radius) {

void SourceUniformSphere::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        double r = pow(random.rand(), 1. / 3.) * radius;
        particle.setPosition(center + random.randVector() * r);

void SourceUniformSphere::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceUniformSphere: Random position within a sphere at ";
        ss << center / Mpc << " Mpc with";
        ss  << radius / Mpc << " Mpc radius\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Vector3d center,
                double radius_inner,
                double radius_outer) :
                center(center), radius_inner(radius_inner),
                radius_outer(radius_outer) {

void SourceUniformHollowSphere::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        double r = radius_inner + pow(random.rand(), 1. / 3.) * (radius_outer - radius_inner);
        particle.setPosition(center + random.randVector() * r);

void SourceUniformHollowSphere::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceUniformHollowSphere: Random position within a sphere at ";
        ss << center / Mpc << " Mpc with";
        ss << radius_inner / Mpc << " Mpc inner radius\n";
        ss << radius_outer / Mpc << " Mpc outer radius\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceUniformShell::SourceUniformShell(Vector3d center, double radius) :
                center(center), radius(radius) {

void SourceUniformShell::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        particle.setPosition(center + random.randVector() * radius);

void SourceUniformShell::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceUniformShell: Random position on a spherical shell at ";
        ss << center / Mpc << " Mpc with ";
        ss << radius / Mpc << " Mpc radius\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceUniformBox::SourceUniformBox(Vector3d origin, Vector3d size) :
                origin(origin), size(size) {

void SourceUniformBox::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        Vector3d pos(random.rand(), random.rand(), random.rand());
        particle.setPosition(pos * size + origin);

void SourceUniformBox::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceUniformBox: Random uniform position in box with ";
        ss << "origin = " << origin / Mpc << " Mpc and ";
        ss << "size = " << size / Mpc << " Mpc\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceUniformCylinder::SourceUniformCylinder(Vector3d origin, double height, double radius) :
    origin(origin), height(height), radius(radius) {

void SourceUniformCylinder::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
  Random &random = Random::instance();
  double phi = 2*M_PI*random.rand();
  double RandRadius = radius*pow(random.rand(), 1. / 2.);
  Vector3d pos(cos(phi)*RandRadius, sin(phi)*RandRadius, (-0.5+random.rand())*height);
  particle.setPosition(pos + origin);

void SourceUniformCylinder::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceUniformCylinder: Random uniform position in cylinder with ";
        ss << "origin = " << origin / Mpc << " Mpc and ";
        ss << "radius = " << radius / Mpc << " Mpc and";
        ss << "height = " << height / Mpc << " Mpc\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceSNRDistribution::SourceSNRDistribution() :
    rEarth(8.5 * kpc), beta(3.53), zg(0.3 * kpc) {
        setFzMax(0.3 * kpc);
        setRMax(20 * kpc);
        setZMax(5 * kpc);

SourceSNRDistribution::SourceSNRDistribution(double rEarth, double alpha, double beta, double zg) :
    rEarth(rEarth), beta(beta), zg(zg) {
        setRMax(20 * kpc);
        setZMax(5 * kpc);

void SourceSNRDistribution::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        double RPos;
        while (true) {
                RPos = random.rand() * rMax;
                double fTest = random.rand() * frMax;
                double fR = fr(RPos);
                if (fTest <= fR) {
        double ZPos;
        while (true) {
                ZPos = (random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * zMax;
                double fTest = random.rand() * fzMax;
                double fZ=fz(ZPos);
                if (fTest<=fZ) {
        double phi = random.rand() * 2 * M_PI;
        Vector3d pos(cos(phi) * RPos, sin(phi) * RPos, ZPos);

double SourceSNRDistribution::fr(double r) const {
        return pow(r / rEarth, alpha) * exp(- beta * (r - rEarth) / rEarth);

double SourceSNRDistribution::fz(double z) const{
        double Az = 1.;
        double f = 1. / zg * exp(- fabs(z) / zg);
        double fz = Az * f;
        return fz;

double SourceSNRDistribution::getAlpha() const {
        return alpha - 1;  // -1 to account for the R-term in the volume element dV = R * dR * dphi * dz

double SourceSNRDistribution::getBeta() const {
        return beta;

void SourceSNRDistribution::setFrMax() {
        frMax = pow(alpha / beta, alpha) * exp(beta - alpha);

void SourceSNRDistribution::setFzMax(double zg) {
        fzMax = 1. / zg;

void SourceSNRDistribution::setRMax(double r) {
        rMax = r;

void SourceSNRDistribution::setZMax(double z) {
        zMax = z;

double SourceSNRDistribution::getFrMax() const {
        return frMax;

double SourceSNRDistribution::getFzMax() const {
        return fzMax;

double SourceSNRDistribution::getRMax() const {
        return rMax;

double SourceSNRDistribution::getZMax() const {
        return zMax;

void SourceSNRDistribution::setAlpha(double a) {
        alpha = a + 1.; // add 1 for dV = r * dR * dphi * dz

void SourceSNRDistribution::setBeta(double b) {
        beta = b;

void SourceSNRDistribution::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceSNRDistribution: Random position according to SNR distribution";
        ss << "rEarth = " << rEarth / kpc << " kpc and ";
        ss << "zg = " << zg / kpc << " kpc and";
        ss << "beta = " << beta << " \n";
        description = ss.str();

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourcePulsarDistribution::SourcePulsarDistribution() :
    rEarth(8.5*kpc), beta(3.53), zg(0.3*kpc) {
        setFrMax(8.5*kpc, 3.53);

SourcePulsarDistribution::SourcePulsarDistribution(double rEarth, double beta, double zg, double rB, double tB) :
    rEarth(rEarth), beta(beta), zg(zg) {
        setFrMax(rEarth, beta);
        setRMax(22 * kpc);
        setZMax(5 * kpc);

void SourcePulsarDistribution::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        double Rtilde;
        while (true) {
                Rtilde = random.rand() * rMax;
                double fTest = random.rand() * frMax * 1.1;
                double fR = fr(Rtilde);
                if (fTest <= fR) {
        double ZPos;
        while (true) {
                ZPos = (random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * zMax;
                double fTest = random.rand() * fzMax;
                double fZ = fz(ZPos);
                if (fTest <= fZ) {

        int i = random.randInt(3);
        double thetaTilde = ftheta(i, Rtilde);
        double RPos = blurR(Rtilde);
        double phi = blurTheta(thetaTilde, Rtilde);
        Vector3d pos(cos(phi) * RPos, sin(phi) * RPos, ZPos);


double SourcePulsarDistribution::fr(double r) const {
        double f = r * pow(r / rEarth, 2.) * exp(-beta * (r - rEarth) / rEarth);
        return f;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::fz(double z) const{
        double Az = 1.;
        double f = 1. / zg * exp(- fabs(z) / zg);
        double fz = Az * f;
        return fz;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::ftheta(int i, double r) const {
        const double k_0[] = {4.25, 4.25, 4.89, 4.89};
        const double r_0[] = {3.48 * kpc, 3.48 * kpc, 4.9 * kpc, 4.9 * kpc};
        const double theta_0[] = {0., 3.14, 2.52, -0.62};
        double K = k_0[i];
        double R = r_0[i];
        double Theta = theta_0[i];

        double theta = K * log(r / R) + Theta;

        return theta;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::blurR(double rTilde) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        return random.randNorm(rTilde, rBlur * rTilde);

double SourcePulsarDistribution::blurTheta(double thetaTilde, double rTilde) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        double thetaCorr = (random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * M_PI;
        double tau = thetaCorr * exp(- thetaBlur * rTilde);
        return thetaTilde + tau;

void SourcePulsarDistribution::setFrMax(double R, double b) {
        double r = 3 * R / b;
        frMax = fr(r);

void SourcePulsarDistribution::setFzMax(double zg) {
        fzMax = 1. / zg;

void SourcePulsarDistribution::setRMax(double r) {
        rMax = r;

void SourcePulsarDistribution::setZMax(double z) {
        zMax = z;

void SourcePulsarDistribution::setRBlur(double r) {
        rBlur = r;

void SourcePulsarDistribution::setThetaBlur(double theta) {
        thetaBlur = theta;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::getFrMax() {
        return frMax;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::getFzMax() {
        return fzMax;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::getRMax() {
        return rMax;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::getZMax() {
        return zMax;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::getRBlur() {
        return rBlur;

double SourcePulsarDistribution::getThetaBlur() {
        return thetaBlur;

void SourcePulsarDistribution::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourcePulsarDistribution: Random position according to pulsar distribution";
        ss << "rEarth = " << rEarth / kpc << " kpc and ";
        ss << "zg = " << zg / kpc << " kpc and ";
        ss << "beta = " << beta << " and ";
        ss << "r_blur = " << rBlur << " and ";
        ss << "theta blur = " << thetaBlur << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceUniform1D::SourceUniform1D(double minD, double maxD, bool withCosmology) {
        this->withCosmology = withCosmology;
        if (withCosmology) {
                this->minD = comoving2LightTravelDistance(minD);
                this->maxD = comoving2LightTravelDistance(maxD);
        } else {
                this->minD = minD;
                this->maxD = maxD;

void SourceUniform1D::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random& random = Random::instance();
        double d = random.rand() * (maxD - minD) + minD;
        if (withCosmology)
                d = lightTravel2ComovingDistance(d);
        particle.setPosition(Vector3d(d, 0, 0));

void SourceUniform1D::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceUniform1D: Random uniform position in D = ";
        ss << minD / Mpc << " - " << maxD / Mpc << " Mpc";
        if (withCosmology)
                ss << " (including cosmology)";
        ss << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceDensityGrid::SourceDensityGrid(ref_ptr<Grid1f> grid) :
                grid(grid) {
        float sum = 0;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < grid->getNx(); ix++) {
                for (int iy = 0; iy < grid->getNy(); iy++) {
                        for (int iz = 0; iz < grid->getNz(); iz++) {
                                sum += grid->get(ix, iy, iz);
                                grid->get(ix, iy, iz) = sum;

void SourceDensityGrid::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();

        // draw random bin
        size_t i = random.randBin(grid->getGrid());
        Vector3d pos = grid->positionFromIndex(i);

        // draw uniform position within bin
        double dx = random.rand() - 0.5;
        double dy = random.rand() - 0.5;
        double dz = random.rand() - 0.5;
        pos += Vector3d(dx, dy, dz) * grid->getSpacing();


void SourceDensityGrid::setDescription() {
        description = "SourceDensityGrid: 3D source distribution according to density grid\n";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceDensityGrid1D::SourceDensityGrid1D(ref_ptr<Grid1f> grid) :
                grid(grid) {
        if (grid->getNy() != 1)
                throw std::runtime_error("SourceDensityGrid1D: Ny != 1");
        if (grid->getNz() != 1)
                throw std::runtime_error("SourceDensityGrid1D: Nz != 1");

        float sum = 0;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < grid->getNx(); ix++) {
                sum += grid->get(ix, 0, 0);
                grid->get(ix, 0, 0) = sum;

void SourceDensityGrid1D::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();

        // draw random bin
        size_t i = random.randBin(grid->getGrid());
        Vector3d pos = grid->positionFromIndex(i);

        // draw uniform position within bin
        double dx = random.rand() - 0.5;
        pos.x += dx * grid->getSpacing().x;


void SourceDensityGrid1D::setDescription() {
        description = "SourceDensityGrid1D: 1D source distribution according to density grid\n";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceIsotropicEmission::SourceIsotropicEmission() {

void SourceIsotropicEmission::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();

void SourceIsotropicEmission::setDescription() {
        description = "SourceIsotropicEmission: Random isotropic direction\n";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceDirectedEmission::SourceDirectedEmission(Vector3d mu, double kappa): mu(mu), kappa(kappa) {
        if (kappa <= 0)
                throw std::runtime_error("The concentration parameter kappa should be larger than 0.");

void SourceDirectedEmission::prepareCandidate(Candidate &candidate) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();

        Vector3d muvec = mu / mu.getR();
        Vector3d v = random.randFisherVector(muvec, kappa);

        v = v.getUnitVector();

        //set the weight of the particle, see eq. 3.1 of PoS(ICRC2019)447
        double pdfVonMises = kappa / (2. * M_PI * (1. - exp(-2. * kappa))) * exp(-kappa * (1. -;
        double weight = 1. / (4. * M_PI * pdfVonMises);

void SourceDirectedEmission::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceDirectedEmission: Random directed emission following the von-Mises-Fisher distribution with mean direction ";
        ss << mu << " and concentration parameter kappa = ";
        ss << kappa << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceLambertDistributionOnSphere::SourceLambertDistributionOnSphere(const Vector3d &center, double radius, bool inward) :
                center(center), radius(radius) {
        this->inward = inward;

void SourceLambertDistributionOnSphere::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        Vector3d normalVector = random.randVector();
        particle.setPosition(center + normalVector * radius);
        double sign = inward ? -1 : 1; // negative (positive) Lamberts vector for inward (outward) directed emission
        particle.setDirection(Vector3d(0, 0, 0) + sign * random.randVectorLamberts(normalVector));

void SourceLambertDistributionOnSphere::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceLambertDistributionOnSphere: Random position and direction on a Sphere with center ";
        ss << center / kpc << " kpc and ";
        ss << radius / kpc << " kpc radius\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceDirection::SourceDirection(Vector3d direction) :
                direction(direction) {

void SourceDirection::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {

void SourceDirection::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss <<  "SourceDirection: Emission direction = " << direction << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceEmissionMap::SourceEmissionMap(EmissionMap *emissionMap) : emissionMap(emissionMap) {

void SourceEmissionMap::prepareCandidate(Candidate &candidate) const {
        if (emissionMap) {
                bool accept = emissionMap->checkDirection(candidate.source);

void SourceEmissionMap::setDescription() {
        description = "SourceEmissionMap: accept only directions from emission map\n";

void SourceEmissionMap::setEmissionMap(EmissionMap *emissionMap) {
        this->emissionMap = emissionMap;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceEmissionCone::SourceEmissionCone(Vector3d direction, double aperture) :
        aperture(aperture) {


void SourceEmissionCone::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        Random &random = Random::instance();
        particle.setDirection(random.randConeVector(direction, aperture));

void SourceEmissionCone::setDirection(Vector3d dir) {
        if (dir.getR() == 0) {
                throw std::runtime_error("SourceEmissionCone: The direction vector was a null vector.");
        } else {
                direction = dir.getUnitVector();

void SourceEmissionCone::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceEmissionCone: Jetted emission in ";
        ss << "direction = " << direction << " with ";
        ss << "half-opening angle = " << aperture << " rad\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceRedshift::SourceRedshift(double z) :
                z(z) {

void SourceRedshift::prepareCandidate(Candidate& candidate) const {

void SourceRedshift::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceRedshift: Redshift z = " << z << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceUniformRedshift::SourceUniformRedshift(double zmin, double zmax) :
                zmin(zmin), zmax(zmax) {

void SourceUniformRedshift::prepareCandidate(Candidate& candidate) const {
        double z = Random::instance().randUniform(zmin, zmax);

void SourceUniformRedshift::setDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceUniformRedshift: Uniform redshift in z = ";
        ss << zmin << " - " << zmax << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceRedshiftEvolution::SourceRedshiftEvolution(double m, double zmin, double zmax) : m(m), zmin(zmin), zmax(zmax) {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceRedshiftEvolution: (1+z)^m, m = " << m;
        ss << ", z = " << zmin << " - " << zmax << "\n";
        description = ss.str();

void SourceRedshiftEvolution::prepareCandidate(Candidate& candidate) const {
        double x = Random::instance().randUniform(0, 1);
        double norm, z;

        // special case: m=-1
        if ((std::abs(m+1)) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
                norm = log1p(zmax) - log1p(zmin);
                z = exp(norm*x) * (1+zmin) - 1;
        } else {
                norm = ( pow(1+zmax, m+1) - pow(1+zmin, m+1) ) / (m+1);
                z = pow( norm*(m+1)*x + pow(1+zmin, m+1), 1./(m+1)) - 1;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceRedshift1D::SourceRedshift1D() {

void SourceRedshift1D::prepareCandidate(Candidate& candidate) const {
        double d = candidate.source.getPosition().getR();
        double z = comovingDistance2Redshift(d);

void SourceRedshift1D::setDescription() {
        description = "SourceRedshift1D: Redshift according to source distance\n";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SourceGenericComposition::SourceGenericComposition(double Emin, double Emax, std::string expression, size_t bins) :
        Emin(Emin), Emax(Emax), expression(expression), bins(bins) {

        // precalculate energy bins
        double logEmin = ::log10(Emin);
        double logEmax = ::log10(Emax);
        double logStep = (logEmax - logEmin) / bins;
        energy.resize(bins + 1);
        for (size_t i = 0; i <= bins; i++) {
                energy[i] = ::pow(10, logEmin + i * logStep);

void SourceGenericComposition::add(int id, double weight) {
        int A = massNumber(id);
        int Z = chargeNumber(id);

        Nucleus n; = id;

        // calculate nuclei cdf
        mu::Parser p;
        double E;
        p.DefineVar("E", &E);
        p.DefineConst("Emin", Emin);
        p.DefineConst("Emax", Emax);
        p.DefineConst("bins", bins);
        p.DefineConst("A", (double)A);
        p.DefineConst("Z", (double)Z);

        p.DefineConst("MeV", MeV);
        p.DefineConst("GeV", GeV);
        p.DefineConst("TeV", TeV);
        p.DefineConst("PeV", PeV);
        p.DefineConst("EeV", EeV);


        // calculate pdf
        n.cdf.resize(bins + 1);

        for (std::size_t i=0; i<=bins; ++i) {
                E = energy[i];
                n.cdf[i] = p.Eval();

        // integrate
        for (std::size_t i=bins; i>0; --i) {
                n.cdf[i] = (n.cdf[i-1] + n.cdf[i]) * (energy[i] - energy[i-1]) / 2;
        n.cdf[0] = 0;

        // cumulate
        for (std::size_t i=1; i<=bins; ++i) {
                n.cdf[i] += n.cdf[i-1];


        // update composition cdf
        if (cdf.size() == 0)
                cdf.push_back(weight * n.cdf.back());
                cdf.push_back(cdf.back() + weight * n.cdf.back());

void SourceGenericComposition::add(int A, int Z, double a) {
        add(nucleusId(A, Z), a);

void SourceGenericComposition::prepareParticle(ParticleState& particle) const {
        if (nuclei.size() == 0)
                throw std::runtime_error("SourceComposition: No source isotope set");

        Random &random = Random::instance();

        // draw random particle type
        size_t iN = random.randBin(cdf);
        const Nucleus &n =;

        // random energy
        double E = interpolate(random.rand() * n.cdf.back(), n.cdf, energy);

void SourceGenericComposition::setDescription() {
        description = "Generice source composition" + expression;


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SourceTag::SourceTag(std::string tag) {

void SourceTag::prepareCandidate(Candidate &cand) const {

void SourceTag::setDescription() {
        description = "SourceTag: " + sourceTag;

void SourceTag::setTag(std::string tag) {
        sourceTag = tag;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SourceMassDistribution::SourceMassDistribution(ref_ptr<Density> density, double max, double x, double y, double z) :
        density(density), maxDensity(max), xMin(-x), xMax(x), yMin(-y), yMax(y), zMin(-z), zMax(z) {}

void SourceMassDistribution::setMaximalDensity(double maxDensity) {
        if (maxDensity <= 0) {
                KISS_LOG_WARNING << "SourceMassDistribution: maximal density must be larger than 0. Nothing changed.\n";
        this->maxDensity = maxDensity;

void SourceMassDistribution::setXrange(double xMin, double xMax) {
        if (xMin > xMax) {
                KISS_LOG_WARNING << "SourceMassDistribution: minimal x-value must not exceed the maximal one\n";
        this -> xMin = xMin;
        this -> xMax = xMax;

void SourceMassDistribution::setYrange(double yMin, double yMax) {
        if (yMin > yMax) {
                KISS_LOG_WARNING << "SourceMassDistribution: minimal y-value must not exceed the maximal one\n";
        this -> yMin = yMin;
        this -> yMax = yMax;

void SourceMassDistribution::setZrange(double zMin, double zMax) {
        if (zMin > zMax) {
                KISS_LOG_WARNING << "SourceMassDistribution: minimal z-value must not exceed the maximal one\n";
        this -> zMin = zMin;
        this -> zMax = zMax;

Vector3d SourceMassDistribution::samplePosition() const {
        Vector3d pos;
        Random &rand = Random::instance();

        for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) {
                pos.x = rand.randUniform(xMin, xMax);
                pos.y = rand.randUniform(yMin, yMax);
                pos.z = rand.randUniform(zMin, zMax);

                double n_density = density->getDensity(pos) / maxDensity;
                double n_test = rand.rand();
                if (n_test < n_density) {
                        return pos;
        KISS_LOG_WARNING << "SourceMassDistribution: sampling a position was not possible within "
                << maxTries << " tries. Please check the maximum density or increse the number of maximal tries. \n";
        return Vector3d(0.);

void SourceMassDistribution::prepareParticle(ParticleState &state) const {
        Vector3d pos = samplePosition();

void SourceMassDistribution::setMaximalTries(int tries) {
        this -> maxTries = tries;

std::string SourceMassDistribution::getDescription() {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SourceMassDistribuion: following the density distribution :\n";
        ss << "\t" << density -> getDescription();
        ss << "with a maximal density of " << maxDensity << " / m^3 \n";
        ss << "using the sampling range: \n";
        ss << "\t x in [" << xMin / kpc << " ; " << xMax / kpc << "] kpc \n";
        ss << "\t y in [" << yMin / kpc << " ; " << yMax / kpc << "] kpc \n";
        ss << "\t z in [" << zMin / kpc << " ; " << zMax / kpc << "] kpc \n";
        ss << "with maximal number of tries for sampling of " << maxTries << "\n";

        return ss.str();

} // namespace crpropa