Program Listing for File PropagationCK.h

Return to documentation for file (include/crpropa/module/PropagationCK.h)


#include "crpropa/Module.h"
#include "crpropa/Units.h"
#include "crpropa/magneticField/MagneticField.h"
#include "kiss/logger.h"

namespace crpropa {
class PropagationCK: public Module {
        class Y {
                Vector3d x, u; /*< phase-point: position and direction */

                Y() {

                Y(const Vector3d &x, const Vector3d &u) :
                                x(x), u(u) {

                Y(double f) :
                                x(Vector3d(f, f, f)), u(Vector3d(f, f, f)) {

                Y operator *(double f) const {
                        return Y(x * f, u * f);

                Y &operator +=(const Y &y) {
                        x += y.x;
                        u += y.u;
                        return *this;

        std::vector<double> a, b, bs; /*< Cash-Karp coefficients */
        ref_ptr<MagneticField> field;
        double tolerance; /*< target relative error of the numerical integration */
        double minStep; /*< minimum step size of the propagation */
        double maxStep; /*< maximum step size of the propagation */

    PropagationCK(ref_ptr<MagneticField> field = NULL, double tolerance = 1e-4,
                        double minStep = (0.1 * kpc), double maxStep = (1 * Gpc));

        void process(Candidate *candidate) const;

        // derivative of phase point, dY/dt = d/dt(x, u) = (v, du/dt)
        // du/dt = q*c^2/E * (u x B)
        Y dYdt(const Y &y, ParticleState &p, double z) const;

        void tryStep(const Y &y, Y &out, Y &error, double t,
                        ParticleState &p, double z) const;

        void setField(ref_ptr<MagneticField> field);
        void setTolerance(double tolerance);
        void setMinimumStep(double minStep);
        void setMaximumStep(double maxStep);

        ref_ptr<MagneticField> getField() const;

        Vector3d getFieldAtPosition(Vector3d pos, double z) const;

        double getTolerance() const;
        double getMinimumStep() const;
        double getMaximumStep() const;
        std::string getDescription() const;
} // namespace crpropa