Program Listing for File PlaneWaveTurbulence.h

Return to documentation for file (include/crpropa/magneticField/turbulentField/PlaneWaveTurbulence.h)


#include "crpropa/Grid.h"
#include "crpropa/magneticField/turbulentField/TurbulentField.h"
#include <vector>

namespace crpropa {
class PlaneWaveTurbulence : public TurbulentField {
        int Nm;

        std::vector<Vector3d> xi;
        std::vector<Vector3d> kappa;
        std::vector<double> phi;
        std::vector<double> costheta;
        std::vector<double> beta;
        std::vector<double> Ak;
        std::vector<double> k;

        // data for FAST_WAVES
        int avx_Nm;
        int align_offset;
        std::vector<double> avx_data;
        // the following are index bases into the avx_data array.
        // since each subarray has avx_Nm elements, the start offset
        // of each subarray can be computed by multiplying the two,
        // and then adding on the alignment offset.
        // iAxi is a combined array containing the product of Ak * xi
        static const int iAxi0 = 0;
        static const int iAxi1 = 1;
        static const int iAxi2 = 2;
        // ikkappa is a combined array containing the product of k * kappa
        static const int ikkappa0 = 3;
        static const int ikkappa1 = 4;
        static const int ikkappa2 = 5;
        static const int ibeta = 6;
        static const int itotal = 7;

        PlaneWaveTurbulence(const TurbulenceSpectrum &spectrum, int Nm = 64,
                            int seed = 0);

        Vector3d getField(const Vector3d &pos) const;

} // namespace crpropa