Program Listing for File PolarizedSingleModeMagneticField.h

Return to documentation for file (include/crpropa/magneticField/PolarizedSingleModeMagneticField.h)


#include "crpropa/magneticField/MagneticField.h"

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>

#include "crpropa/Vector3.h"
#include "crpropa/Referenced.h"
#include "crpropa/Units.h"

namespace crpropa {
class PolarizedSingleModeMagneticField: public MagneticField {
        //quantities provided by the user:
        double B_0; // Magnetic field strength in the direction of e_1 at r_0 (for flagAmplitudeRms = "amplitude"), or the RMS value of the magnetic field (for flagAmplitudeRms = "rms")
        double wavelength; // Wavelength of the single mode (corresponds to its coherence length)
        double sigma; // Polarization parameter
        Vector3d r_0; // Reference position
        Vector3d e_1; // First vector spanning the polarization plane
        Vector3d e_2; // Second vector spanning the polarization plane
        std::string flagAmplitudeRms; // Flag to specify whether B_0 denotes the maximum ("amplitude") or the RMS ("rms") value of the magnetic field
        std::string flagPolarizationHelicity; // Flag to specify whether sigma denotes the standard polarization parameter ("polarization") or f_H, the fraction of maximal helicity ("helicity")
        std::string flagMode; // Flag to specify the polarization mode; possible choices are "elliptical", "circular" or "linear"

        //derived quantities:
        Vector3d unitVector_1; // Normalized vector e_1
        Vector3d unitVector_2; // Normalized vector e_2
        Vector3d wavevector; // Wavevector of the mode (proportional to e_2 cross e_1)
        double B_max; // Maximal value of the magnetic field (i.e. the amplitude/semi-major value of the mode)

        PolarizedSingleModeMagneticField(const double &B_0, const double &wavelength, const double &sigma, const Vector3d &r_0, const Vector3d &e_1, const Vector3d &e_2, std::string flagAmplitudeRms, std::string flagPolarizationHelicity, std::string flagMode);

        Vector3d getField(const Vector3d &position) const;
} // end namespace crpropa