Program Listing for File JF12FieldSolenoidal.h
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#include "crpropa/magneticField/JF12Field.h"
#include "crpropa/Grid.h"
#include "crpropa/Units.h"
namespace crpropa {
class JF12FieldSolenoidal: public JF12Field {
double zS; // height parameter of the modified X-field, field lines are parabolic for fabs(z) < zS
double phi0Arms[11]; // azimuth angles in [-pi,pi] at which the dividing 8 spirals of the disk field intersect the (r1 = 5kpc)-ring at indices 1 to 8, remaining angles periodically filled.
double phi0; // lower bound for azimuth phi integration to restore solenoidality of spiral field transition, arbitrary parameter
// in order to restore solenoidality in the transition regions of the spiral field,
// a phi-integral over the piecwise constant field strengths at r=5kpc has to be evaluated. Here,
// we set H(phi) = phiCoeff[j] + bDisk[j] * phi as the result of this integration
double phiCoeff[10]; // only 10 since the array holds the results for the integral from phi0Arms[0] to phi0Arms[1]; phi0Arms[0] to phi0Arms[2] etc.
double corr; // correction term for enforcing H(phi0) = 0 afterwards which sets the lower boundary of the integration to phi0
// inner and outer boundaries of disk field at r = 5 and 20 kpc
double r1;
double r2;
// transitions region boundaries of disk field at r1 + delta, r2 - delta
double r1s;
double r2s;
JF12FieldSolenoidal(double delta = 3 * kpc, double zs = 0.5 * kpc);
void setUseStriatedField(bool use); // override these for correct warning messages
void setUseTurbulentField(bool use);
void setDiskTransitionWidth(double delta);
double getDiskTransitionWidth() const;
void setXScaleHeight(double zs);
double getXScaleHeight() const;
Vector3d getXField(const double& r, const double& z, const double& sinPhi, const double& cosPhi) const; // override old X and spiral field
Vector3d getDiskField(const double& r, const double& z, const double& phi, const double& sinPhi, const double& cosPhi) const;
void deactivateOuterTransition();
double getDiskTransitionPolynomial(const double& r) const;
double getDiskTransitionPolynomialDerivative(const double& r) const;
double getHPhiIntegral(const double& r, const double& phi) const;
double getSpiralFieldStrengthConstant(const double& r, const double& phi) const;
} // namespace crpropa