Program Listing for File GalacticMagneticField.h

Return to documentation for file (include/crpropa/magneticField/GalacticMagneticField.h)


#include "crpropa/magneticField/MagneticField.h"
#include <cmath>

namespace crpropa {
class ToroidalHaloField: public MagneticField {
        double b0; // halo field strength
        double z0; // vertical position
        double z1; // vertical scale
        double r0; // radial scale

        ToroidalHaloField(double b0 = 1., double z0 = 1., double z1 = 1., double r0 = 1.) {
                setParameters(b0, z0, z1, r0);

        void setParameters(double b0, double z0, double z1, double r0) {
                this->b0 = b0;
                this->z0 = z0;
                this->z1 = z1;
                this->r0 = r0;

        Vector3d getField(Vector3d pos) {
                double r = sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y) / r0; // in-plane radius in units of the radial scale
                double b = b0 / (1 + pow((std::fabs(pos.z) - z0) / z1, 2)) * r * exp(1 - r);
                double phi = pos.getPhi(); // azimuth
                return Vector3d(cos(phi), sin(phi), 0) * b;
class LogarithmicSpiralField: public MagneticField {
        bool isBSS;   // true for BSS, false for ASS
        double b0;    // field strength
        double pitch; // pitch angle [rad]
        double rsol;  // distance of sun to galactic center
        double rc;    // radius of central region with constant field strength
        double d;     // distance to the first field reversal
        double z0;    // vertical attenuation length

        double phase; // phase of the spiral arms
        double cosPhase;
        double sinPitch;
        double cosPitch;
        double tanPitch;

        void updatePitchAngle() {
                sinPitch = sin(pitch);
                cosPitch = cos(pitch);
                tanPitch = tan(pitch);

        void updatePhase() {
                phase = log(1 + d / rsol) / tanPitch - M_PI / 2;
                cosPhase = cos(phase);

        LogarithmicSpiralField(bool isBSS = true, double b0 = 1., double pitch = M_1_PI/4.,
                double rsol = 8.5*kpc, double rc = 3*kpc, double d = 5*kpc, double z0 = 3*kpc) {
                setParameters(isBSS, b0, pitch, rsol, rc, d, z0);

        void setParameters(bool isBSS, double b0, double pitch, double rsol,
                        double rc, double d, double z0) {
                this->isBSS = isBSS;
                this->b0 = b0;
                this->pitch = pitch;
                this->rsol = rsol;
                this->rc = rc;
                this->d = d;
                this->z0 = z0;

        Vector3d getField(Vector3d pos) const {
                double r = sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y); // in-plane radius
                double b = b0 / cosPhase * rsol / std::max(r, rc);

                double phi = pos.getPhi();
                double c = cos(phi - log(r / rsol) / tanPitch + phase);
                if (isBSS)
                        c = std::fabs(c);
                b *= c * exp(-std::fabs(pos.z) / z0);

                return Vector3d(cosPitch * cos(phi), sinPitch * sin(phi), 0) * b;
}// namespace crpropa