Program Listing for File Grid.h

Return to documentation for file (include/crpropa/Grid.h)


#include "crpropa/Referenced.h"
#include "crpropa/Vector3.h"

#include "kiss/string.h"
#include "kiss/logger.h"

#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <smmintrin.h>
#endif // HAVE_SIMD

namespace crpropa {

enum interpolationType {

inline void periodicClamp(double x, int n, int &lo, int &hi) {
        lo = ((int(floor(x)) % (n)) + (n)) % (n);
        hi = (lo + 1) % (n);

inline int reflectiveBoundary(int index, int n) {
        while ((index < -0.5) or (index > (n-0.5)))
                index = 2 * n * (index > (n-0.5)) - index-1;
        return index;

inline int periodicBoundary(int index, int n) {
        return ((index % (n)) + (n)) % (n);

inline void reflectiveClamp(double x, int n, int &lo, int &hi, double &res) {
        while ((x < -0.5) or (x > (n-0.5)))
                x = 2 * n * (x > (n-0.5)) -x-1;
        res = x;
        lo = floor(x);
        hi = lo + (lo < n-1);
        if (x<0) {

inline double round(double r) {
        return (r > 0.0) ? floor(r + 0.5) : ceil(r - 0.5);

class GridProperties: public Referenced {
        size_t Nx, Ny, Nz;      // Number of grid points
        Vector3d origin;        // Position of the lower left front corner of the volume
        Vector3d spacing;       // Spacing vector between gridpoints
        bool reflective;        // using reflective repetition of the grid instead of periodic
        interpolationType ipol; // Interpolation type used between grid points
        bool clipVolume;        // Set grid values to 0 outside the volume if true

        GridProperties(Vector3d origin, size_t N, double spacing) :
                origin(origin), Nx(N), Ny(N), Nz(N), spacing(Vector3d(spacing)), reflective(false), ipol(TRILINEAR), clipVolume(false) {

        GridProperties(Vector3d origin, size_t Nx, size_t Ny, size_t Nz, double spacing) :
                origin(origin), Nx(Nx), Ny(Ny), Nz(Nz), spacing(Vector3d(spacing)), reflective(false), ipol(TRILINEAR), clipVolume(false) {

        GridProperties(Vector3d origin, size_t Nx, size_t Ny, size_t Nz, Vector3d spacing) :
                origin(origin), Nx(Nx), Ny(Ny), Nz(Nz), spacing(spacing), reflective(false), ipol(TRILINEAR), clipVolume(false) {

        virtual ~GridProperties() {

        void setReflective(bool b) {
                reflective = b;

        void setInterpolationType(interpolationType i) {
                ipol = i;

        void setClipVolume(bool b) {
                clipVolume = b;

template<typename T>
class Grid: public Referenced {
        std::vector<T> grid;
        size_t Nx, Ny, Nz;
        Vector3d origin;
        Vector3d gridOrigin;
        Vector3d spacing;
        bool clipVolume;
        bool reflective;
        interpolationType ipolType;
        Grid(Vector3d origin, size_t N, double spacing) {
                setGridSize(N, N, N);

        Grid(Vector3d origin, size_t Nx, size_t Ny, size_t Nz, double spacing) {
                setGridSize(Nx, Ny, Nz);

        Grid(Vector3d origin, size_t Nx, size_t Ny, size_t Nz, Vector3d spacing) {
                setGridSize(Nx, Ny, Nz);

        Grid(const GridProperties &p) :
                origin(p.origin), spacing(p.spacing), reflective(p.reflective), ipolType(p.ipol) {
                setGridSize(p.Nx, p.Ny, p.Nz);

        void setOrigin(Vector3d origin) {
                this->origin = origin;
                this->gridOrigin = origin + spacing/2;

        void setGridSize(size_t Nx, size_t Ny, size_t Nz) {
                this->Nx = Nx;
                this->Ny = Ny;
                this->Nz = Nz;
                grid.resize(Nx * Ny * Nz);

        void setSpacing(Vector3d spacing) {
                this->spacing = spacing;

        void setReflective(bool b) {
                reflective = b;

        // If set to true, all values outside of the grid will be 0.
        void setClipVolume(bool b) {
                clipVolume = b;

        void setInterpolationType(interpolationType ipolType) {
                if (ipolType == TRILINEAR || ipolType == TRICUBIC || ipolType == NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR) {
                        this->ipolType = ipolType;
                        if ((ipolType == TRICUBIC) && (std::is_same<T, Vector3d>::value)) {
                                KISS_LOG_WARNING << "Tricubic interpolation on Grid3d works only with float-precision, doubles will be downcasted";
                } else {
                        throw std::runtime_error("InterpolationType: unknown interpolation type");

        Vector3d getOrigin() const {
                return origin;

        bool getClipVolume() const {
                return clipVolume;

        size_t getNx() const {
                return Nx;

        size_t getNy() const {
                return Ny;

        size_t getNz() const {
                return Nz;

        size_t getSizeOf() const {
                return sizeof(grid) + (sizeof(grid[0]) * grid.size());

        Vector3d getSpacing() const {
                return spacing;

        bool isReflective() const {
                return reflective;

        T interpolate(const Vector3d &position) {
                // check for volume
                if (clipVolume) {
                        Vector3d edge = origin + Vector3d(Nx, Ny, Nz) * spacing;
                        bool isInVolume = (position.x >= origin.x) && (position.x <= edge.x);
                        isInVolume &= (position.y >= origin.y) && (position.y <= edge.y);
                        isInVolume &= (position.z >= origin.z) && (position.z <= edge.z);
                        if (!isInVolume)
                                return T(0.);

                if (ipolType == TRICUBIC)
                        return tricubicInterpolate(T(), position);
                else if (ipolType == NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR)
                        return closestValue(position);
                        return trilinearInterpolate(position);

        T &get(size_t ix, size_t iy, size_t iz) {
                return grid[ix * Ny * Nz + iy * Nz + iz];

        const T &get(size_t ix, size_t iy, size_t iz) const {
                return grid[ix * Ny * Nz + iy * Nz + iz];

        const T &periodicGet(size_t ix, size_t iy, size_t iz) const {
                ix = periodicBoundary(ix, Nx);
                iy = periodicBoundary(iy, Ny);
                iz = periodicBoundary(iz, Nz);
                return grid[ix * Ny * Nz + iy * Nz + iz];

        const T &reflectiveGet(size_t ix, size_t iy, size_t iz) const {
                ix = reflectiveBoundary(ix, Nx);
                iy = reflectiveBoundary(iy, Ny);
                iz = reflectiveBoundary(iz, Nz);
                return grid[ix * Ny * Nz + iy * Nz + iz];

        T getValue(size_t ix, size_t iy, size_t iz) {
                return grid[ix * Ny * Nz + iy * Nz + iz];

        void setValue(size_t ix, size_t iy, size_t iz, T value) {
                grid[ix * Ny * Nz + iy * Nz + iz] = value;

        std::vector<T> &getGrid() {
                return grid;

        Vector3d positionFromIndex(int index) const {
                int ix = index / (Ny * Nz);
                int iy = (index / Nz) % Ny;
                int iz = index % Nz;
                return Vector3d(ix, iy, iz) * spacing + gridOrigin;

        T closestValue(const Vector3d &position) const {
                Vector3d r = (position - gridOrigin) / spacing;
                int ix, iy, iz;
                if (reflective) {
                        ix = round(r.x);
                        iy = round(r.y);
                        iz = round(r.z);
                        while ((ix < -0.5) or (ix > (Nx-0.5)))
                                ix = 2 * Nx * (ix > (Nx-0.5)) - ix-1;
                        while ((iy < -0.5) or (iy > (Ny-0.5)))
                                iy = 2 * Ny * (iy > (Ny-0.5)) - iy-1;
                        while ((iz < -0.5) or (iz > (Nz-0.5)))
                                iz = 2 * Nz * (iz > (Nz-0.5)) - iz-1;
                } else {
                        ix = round(fmod(r.x, Nx));
                        iy = round(fmod(r.y, Ny));
                        iz = round(fmod(r.z, Nz));
                        ix = (ix + Nx * (ix < 0)) % Nx;
                        iy = (iy + Ny * (iy < 0)) % Ny;
                        iz = (iz + Nz * (iz < 0)) % Nz;
                return get(ix, iy, iz);

        #ifdef HAVE_SIMD
        __m128 simdperiodicGet(size_t ix, size_t iy, size_t iz) const {
                ix = periodicBoundary(ix, Nx);
                iy = periodicBoundary(iy, Ny);
                iz = periodicBoundary(iz, Nz);
                return convertVector3fToSimd(grid[ix * Ny * Nz + iy * Nz + iz]);

        __m128 simdreflectiveGet(size_t ix, size_t iy, size_t iz) const {
                ix = reflectiveBoundary(ix, Nx);
                iy = reflectiveBoundary(iy, Ny);
                iz = reflectiveBoundary(iz, Nz);
                return convertVector3fToSimd(grid[ix * Ny * Nz + iy * Nz + iz]);

        __m128 convertVector3fToSimd(const Vector3f v) const {
                __m128 simdVar = _mm_set_ps(0,v.z,v.y,v.x);
                return simdVar;

        Vector3f convertSimdToVector3f(__m128 res) const {
                float vec[4];
                _mm_store_ps(&vec[0], res);
                Vector3f result = Vector3f(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
                return result;

        __m128 CubicInterpolate(__m128 p0,__m128 p1,__m128 p2,__m128 p3,double position) const {
                __m128 c1 = _mm_set1_ps (1/2.);
                __m128 c2 = _mm_set1_ps (3/2.);
                __m128 c3 = _mm_set1_ps (2.);
                __m128 c4 = _mm_set1_ps (5/2.);

                __m128 pos  = _mm_set1_ps (position);
                __m128 pos2 = _mm_set1_ps (position*position);
                __m128 pos3 = _mm_set1_ps (position*position*position);

                __m128 term = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(_mm_mul_ps(c1,p2),_mm_mul_ps(c1,p0)),pos);
                __m128 term2 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(_mm_add_ps(p0,_mm_mul_ps(c3,p2)),_mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(c4,p1),_mm_mul_ps(c1,p3))),pos2);
                __m128 term3 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(_mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(c2,p1),_mm_mul_ps(c1,p3)),_mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(c1,p0),_mm_mul_ps(c2,p2))),pos3);
                __m128 res = _mm_add_ps(_mm_add_ps(_mm_add_ps(term3,term2),term),p1);
                return res;
        #endif // HAVE_SIMD
        Vector3f tricubicInterpolate(Vector3f, const Vector3d &position) const {
                #ifdef HAVE_SIMD
                // position on a unit grid
                Vector3d r = (position - gridOrigin) / spacing;

                int iX0, iY0, iZ0;
                iX0 = floor(r.x);
                iY0 = floor(r.y);
                iZ0 = floor(r.z);

                double fX, fY, fZ;
                fX = r.x - iX0;
                fY = r.y - iY0;
                fZ = r.z - iZ0;

                int nrCubicInterpolations = 4;
                __m128 interpolateVaryX[nrCubicInterpolations];
                __m128 interpolateVaryY[nrCubicInterpolations];
                __m128 interpolateVaryZ[nrCubicInterpolations];
                for (int iLoopX = -1; iLoopX < nrCubicInterpolations-1; iLoopX++) {
                        for (int iLoopY = -1; iLoopY < nrCubicInterpolations-1; iLoopY++) {
                                for (int iLoopZ = -1; iLoopZ < nrCubicInterpolations-1; iLoopZ++) {
                                        if (reflective)
                                                interpolateVaryZ[iLoopZ+1] = simdreflectiveGet(iX0+iLoopX, iY0+iLoopY, iZ0+iLoopZ);
                                                interpolateVaryZ[iLoopZ+1] = simdperiodicGet(iX0+iLoopX, iY0+iLoopY, iZ0+iLoopZ);
                                interpolateVaryY[iLoopY+1] = CubicInterpolate(interpolateVaryZ[0], interpolateVaryZ[1], interpolateVaryZ[2], interpolateVaryZ[3], fZ);
                        interpolateVaryX[iLoopX+1] = CubicInterpolate(interpolateVaryY[0], interpolateVaryY[1], interpolateVaryY[2], interpolateVaryY[3], fY);
                __m128 result = CubicInterpolate(interpolateVaryX[0], interpolateVaryX[1], interpolateVaryX[2], interpolateVaryX[3], fX);
                return convertSimdToVector3f(result);
                #else // HAVE_SIMD
                throw std::runtime_error( "Tried to use tricubic Interpolation without SIMD_EXTENSION. SIMD Optimization is necessary for tricubic interpolation of vector grids.\n");
                #endif // HAVE_SIMD

        double CubicInterpolateScalar(double p0,double p1,double p2,double p3,double pos) const {

        double tricubicInterpolate(double, const Vector3d &position) const {
                Vector3d r = (position - gridOrigin) / spacing;

                int iX0, iY0, iZ0;
                iX0 = floor(r.x);
                iY0 = floor(r.y);
                iZ0 = floor(r.z);

                double fX, fY, fZ;
                fX = r.x - iX0;
                fY = r.y - iY0;
                fZ = r.z - iZ0;

                int nrCubicInterpolations = 4;
                double interpolateVaryX[nrCubicInterpolations];
                double interpolateVaryY[nrCubicInterpolations];
                double interpolateVaryZ[nrCubicInterpolations];
                for (int iLoopX = -1; iLoopX < nrCubicInterpolations-1; iLoopX++) {
                        for (int iLoopY = -1; iLoopY < nrCubicInterpolations-1; iLoopY++) {
                                for (int iLoopZ = -1; iLoopZ < nrCubicInterpolations-1; iLoopZ++) {
                                        if (reflective)
                                                interpolateVaryZ[iLoopZ+1] = reflectiveGet(iX0+iLoopX, iY0+iLoopY, iZ0+iLoopZ);
                                                interpolateVaryZ[iLoopZ+1] = periodicGet(iX0+iLoopX, iY0+iLoopY, iZ0+iLoopZ);
                                interpolateVaryY[iLoopY+1] = CubicInterpolateScalar(interpolateVaryZ[0], interpolateVaryZ[1], interpolateVaryZ[2], interpolateVaryZ[3], fZ);
                        interpolateVaryX[iLoopX+1] = CubicInterpolateScalar(interpolateVaryY[0], interpolateVaryY[1], interpolateVaryY[2], interpolateVaryY[3], fY);
                double result = CubicInterpolateScalar(interpolateVaryX[0], interpolateVaryX[1], interpolateVaryX[2], interpolateVaryX[3], fX);
                return result;

        T trilinearInterpolate(const Vector3d &position) const {
                Vector3d r = (position - gridOrigin) / spacing;

                int iX0, iX1, iY0, iY1, iZ0, iZ1;
                double resX, resY, resZ, fX0, fY0, fZ0;

                if (reflective) {
                        reflectiveClamp(r.x, Nx, iX0, iX1, resX);
                        reflectiveClamp(r.y, Ny, iY0, iY1, resY);
                        reflectiveClamp(r.z, Nz, iZ0, iZ1, resZ);
                        fX0 = resX - floor(resX);
                        fY0 = resY - floor(resY);
                        fZ0 = resZ - floor(resZ);
                } else {
                        periodicClamp(r.x, Nx, iX0, iX1);
                        periodicClamp(r.y, Ny, iY0, iY1);
                        periodicClamp(r.z, Nz, iZ0, iZ1);
                        fX0 = r.x - floor(r.x);
                        fY0 = r.y - floor(r.y);
                        fZ0 = r.z - floor(r.z);

                double fX1 = 1 - fX0;
                double fY1 = 1 - fY0;
                double fZ1 = 1 - fZ0;

                T b(0.);
                b += get(iX0, iY0, iZ0) * fX1 * fY1 * fZ1;
                b += get(iX1, iY0, iZ0) * fX0 * fY1 * fZ1;
                b += get(iX0, iY1, iZ0) * fX1 * fY0 * fZ1;
                b += get(iX0, iY0, iZ1) * fX1 * fY1 * fZ0;
                b += get(iX1, iY0, iZ1) * fX0 * fY1 * fZ0;
                b += get(iX0, iY1, iZ1) * fX1 * fY0 * fZ0;
                b += get(iX1, iY1, iZ0) * fX0 * fY0 * fZ1;
                b += get(iX1, iY1, iZ1) * fX0 * fY0 * fZ0;

                return b;

}; // class Grid

typedef Grid<double> Grid1d;
typedef Grid<float> Grid1f;
typedef Grid<Vector3f> Grid3f;
typedef Grid<Vector3d> Grid3d;

} // namespace crpropa

#endif // CRPROPA_GRID_H