Function crpropa::DintElecaPropagation
Defined in File PhotonPropagation.cpp
Function Documentation
void crpropa::DintElecaPropagation(const std::string &inputfile, const std::string &outputfile, bool showProgress = true, double crossOverEnergy = 0.08010882435, double magneticFieldStrength = 1E-13, double aCutcascade_Magfield = 0)
Propagate photons using EleCa for energies above the crossover energy and DINT below
- Parameters
inputfile – input in PhotonOutput1D format
outputfile – output spectrum (photons, electrons, positrons)
showProgress – show a progress bar
crossOverEnergy – crossover energy [J] between EleCa and DINT, default = 0.5 EeV
magneticFieldStrength – magnetic field strength [T], default = 1 nG
aCutcascade_Magfield – a-parameter, see CRPropa 2 paper