Class Ferriere

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Ferriere : public Density

model of the distribution of hydrogen in the Milky Way Here in model Ferriere 2007 seperated in 2 regions (inner, outer). The border is for R=3 kpc in galactocentric radius. model is discribed in outer: ApJ, 497, 759 inner: arxiv: astro-ph/0702532

Public Functions

Vector3d CMZTransformation(const Vector3d &position) const

Coordinate transformation for the CentralMolecularZone region. Rotation arround z-axis such that X is the major axis and Y is the minor axis


position – position in galactic coordinates with Earth at (-8.5kpc, 0, 0)


position in local coordinates for the CMZ region

Vector3d DiskTransformation(const Vector3d &position) const

Coordinate transformation for the galactic bulge disk region in galactic center. Rotation arround the x-axis, the y’-axis and the x’’-axis. Difened with X along the major axis, Y along the minor axis and Z along the northern normal


position – position in galactic coordinates with Earth at (-8.5kpc, 0, 0)


position in local coordinates for the GB disk region

virtual double getDensity(const Vector3d &position) const

position – position in galactic coordinates with Earth at (-8.5kpc, 0, 0)


density in parts/m^3, only acitvated parts are summed up

virtual double getHIDensity(const Vector3d &position) const

position – position in galactic coordinates with Earth at (-8.5kpc, 0, 0)


density of atomic hydrogen in parts/m^3

virtual double getHIIDensity(const Vector3d &position) const

position – position in galactic coordinates with Earth at (-8.5kpc, 0, 0)


density of ionised hydrogen in parts/m^3

virtual double getH2Density(const Vector3d &position) const

position – position in galactic coordinates with Earth at (-8.5kpc, 0, 0)


density of molecular hydrogen in parts/m^3

virtual double getNucleonDensity(const Vector3d &position) const

position – position in galactic coordinates with Earth at (-8.5kpc, 0, 0)


nucleon density in parts/m^3, only activated parts are summed up and H2 is weighted twice

void setIsForHI(bool HI)

changes activation status for atomic hydrogen

void setIsForHII(bool HII)

changes activation status for ionised hydrogen

void setIsForH2(bool H2)

changes activation status for molecular hydrogen

virtual bool getIsForHI()

activation status for atomic hydrogen

virtual bool getIsForHII()

activation status for ionised hydrogen

virtual bool getIsForH2()

activation status for molecular hydrogen

virtual std::string getDescription()
inline size_t addReference() const
inline size_t removeReference() const
inline int removeReferenceNoDelete() const
inline size_t getReferenceCount() const

Protected Attributes

mutable size_t _referenceCount